Captain: Mohd Fathulizzat
Chin Jia Hui
Rina binti Sarika
Maizatul Akmar
Norfarah A'Aina
Noor Hiqmah

1st Lab Report (Click Here)
2nd Lab Report (Click Here)
3rd Lab Report (Click Here)
4th Lab Report (Click Here)
5th Lab Report (Click Here)
Hardcopy Overall Summary Report

Lab Analysis Schedule:
26th March 2018 - Soil Permeability Test (VIDEO REPORT)
26th March 2018 - Soil Salinity Test (Click Here)
9th April 2018 - Nutrient Analysis Test (Hach Kit)
9th April 2018 - Sieve Analysis Test (Click Here)
23rd April 2018 

Research Questions:

  1. Among each soil which is the most suitable soil to grow Cosmos caudatus?
  2. How does moisture content of each soil affect the Cosmos caudatus growth?
  3. Which soil is most fertile to grow Cosmos caudatus productively?
  4. How does the growth of Cosmos caudatus related with soil minerals and phytoavailability?
  5. How does soil moisture and soil texture affect soil biology: rhizosphere activities/interactions?
  1. Cosmos caudatus seeds
  2. 5 pots (poke same number of holes at the bottom of the pot for drainage)
  3. 500ml recycle bottle (for watering)
  4. 5 different soil texture (each soil sample can fit 2 pots, one portion for soil medium and one for lab analysis (record GPS soil sample taken can upload apps from smartphone)
  5. 5 recycle empty transparent bottle glass jar for soil texture analysis (same size, smooth even surface).
  6. 5 empty recycle tin can (same size), poke same number of holes at the bottom of the can.
  7. 10 Recycle plastic container for air-dry soil.
  8. Camera/Video. Record plant growth development.
1st Lab Analysis (Report submit online due 20th March 2018):

  1. Fill up the pot with soil. Pat the soil to compress the soil so that the level of soil does not shrink after watering.
  2. Divide the number of seeds equally for each pot and space the seeds when seed sowing.
  3. Top about 2cm thick of soil after seed are placed on the soil. Then water with same amount (500ml) for each pot.
  4. Soil Color Analysis.
  5. Soil Texture Analysis.
  6. Soil Moisture: weight 100gram of different soil samples, record. Then air-dry soil. After 2 weeks if soil has lost all moisture, weight dry soil. Record.
  7. Water the soil daily with the same amount until 26th March 2018. The watering frequency will be different after 26th March 2018.
Observation Record:
  1. Germination rate for each pot.
  2. Mortality/survival rate of the plant growth.
  3. How long does seeds start to sprout an emerge from the soil for each soil texture.
  4. Average growth of the plants (root, shoot and whole plant) for each soil texture every two weeks.
  5. Nutrient availability of each soil sample.
  6. Deficiency symptoms.
  7. Capture photos of plant growth development.
Watering Frequency and Growth Monitoring:

5th March - 26th March 2018 : Water once a day same amount.

26th March 2018 - 13th April 2018 : Water alternate days.

13th April 2018 - 23rd April 2018: : Water only twice a week.

23rd April 2018 : Dug out carefully 2 plants (make sure roots intact) from each pot and measure the length of root, shoot and whole plant. Measure the wet weight of the whole plant. Then dry the plant, after plant dried completely. Measure plant dry weight.


Read up on Ulam Raja.

Get to know how to grow Ulam Raja, its like and dislike.

Don't forget to keep your reference list for your report. Citations.

Fill free to add on research questions or observation data. 


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    Salam Sukses



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