Second Lab Report: TARAB ARAB Padi Sawah

Lecturer: Madam Diana Demiyah Binti Mohd Hamdan Date of Submission: 27 th March 2018 Report Contents: Soil Moisture Analysis Soil Water Holding Capacity Analysis Soil pH Analysis NAME MATRIC NUMBER NG JING JIE BS17160675 FICKRY JAJURI BS17160677 NURUL IRINA AK DOUGLAS NYEGING BS17110050 MARILYN LEANNE MONROE BS17110366 EMILEY TOMPOK @ MOJINOK BS17110145 SITI NURAZWANNI BT. WARISHAD BS17160698 SOIL PH ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity in soils and is measured in pH units. pH levels range from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral, below 7 ac...