Second Lab Report: Balsam Ballerina
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In soil science, we
can see how water plays its vital role in groundwater recharge, agriculture and
soil chemistry. Other than space and air, understanding of water content in
soil is one of the focus of scientific research which overall increase and
decrease of wetness in various region with different humidity condition and
climate. Water stored in soil is called soil moisture where the water is held
within soil pores. Soil water is so important as it is one of the major
component needed for plants growth. When the soil moisture is optimum for
plants growth, plants can uptake water, nutrient and mineral easily from soil.
This is because most of the nutrients and minerals will dissolve in water
solution before they are absorbed by plants. Soil moisture is a key variable in
land-atmosphere interactions: the variations of soil moisture in response to
atmospheric conditions which include precipitation, radiation and evaporative
demand impact surface turbulent and radiative heat fluxes, thereby potentially
feeding back on atmospheric conditions (Alexis Berg, et al., 2014). Therefore, it is clearly shown that a
slightly change in environment factors such as rain precipitation and
temperature can affect the soil moisture directly.
There are a few
terms for soil moisture. Moisture that can easily remove from soil is called
readily available water. As soil moisture is depleting, a strong force is
required to apply great suction to overcome high tension that holds water
particles in the soil. Plants use water for growth and cooling through
evapotranspiration process. In short, if readily available water is finished,
plants use more energy to extract water from soil. Instead of using energy for
growth but to cool down itself, crops production will definitely affect which
this is known as stress point. To maintain plant growth in good condition, a
suitable level of stress is controlled by water irrigation and this is called
as refill point. When a plant is unable to cool down itself, water loss exceeds
water extraction from soil, cells will be closed down so that it can recover
from harsh condition. This is called wilt point. Lastly, if the water
availability drops continuously until too much water loss, cells will die and
eventually plant cannot rejuvenate from previous condition which this is known
as permanent wilt point.
Generally, soil
moisture is just a small component of hydrological cycle but it plays a major
role in both agriculture and climate prediction. When there is drought
occurring in a particular area, there will be a deficit amount of soil moisture
which causes crops productivity to decrease as well. That is why continuous
soil moisture measurement can improve crop yield forecasting, irrigation
planning for flood and drought (Liza Brazil, 2015).
Among other usage of soil, soil acts as a medium to
accumulate water until it is used by plants. Water is stored in the spaces
between soil particles and there is force of gravity consistently pull downward
and out of the reach of plants. The counterbalancing force acts on water which
keeps it from moving downward is surface tension that causes water to stick to
the soil particles. The smaller the soil particles, the larger the surface
area, the more water they are able to hold through surface tension. Therefore,
the ability to trap water depends much on type of soil.
Soil water holding capacity is a term that all farms should
know to optimize their crops production. The water holding capacity is actually
the amount of water that given soil can hold for crop use Christina
Curell,2011). There is a term named field capacity which means the soil water
holding capacity has reached its maximum for entire field. The goal or the
common challenge for agricultural producers is to maintain and control water
near capacity. When there is water deficit, precipitation from rainwater or
water irrigation will be needed to replenish soil profile.
There are two major components that determine water holding
capacity of soil which are soil texture and organic matter. From the perspective
of soil texture, soil particles with small size such as clay and silt have
larger surface area compared to sand particles. When water enters soil with
large sandy particles, only a small amount of water stays attached while the
remainder all drain and leach downward rapidly. This shows that sand has a low
water holding capacity. Oppositely, clay soil has small particles with much
larger surface area. When water enters it, strong surface tension holds the
water particles tightly from draining downward and only a small amount of
remainder leaches through the soil. In short, the larger the surface area, the
more and easier to hold water in the soil.
Besides that, soil organic matter (SOM) is also one of the
factors that help increasing water holding capacity of soil. This is because
soil organic matters have natural magnetism to attract water which means if
farm increases the overall soil organic matter percentage, the ability of soil
to hold and trap water will improve indeed. Most of the SOM are originated from
decayed animals and plants, therefore, with the increase of plant and animal
material, the SOM and soil water holding capacity will increase proportionally.
Soil pH is a measure the concentration of hydrogen ions
present in the soil solution. pH scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 7 considered
to be neutral. pH less than 7 is said to be acidic solution while if it is
greater than 7, it is alkaline or basic. Garden soil pH normally do not hit the
extreme, but a slight movement up and down the pH values can affect the health
and growth of plants. The bulk of the hydrogen ions concentration is absorbed
to the clay soil and organic matter particles which it is known as soil’s
reserve acidity. The higher the clay and organic matter content of a soil, the
higher the amount of hydrogen ions stored in it.
The main reason why soils in northeast are acidic is due to
the leaching of basic cations calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium leaves
the exchange sites on clay particles region where hydrogen ions are replacing
them. In addition, human activities especially the use of fertilizers,
pesticides and industrial activities that emits sulfur and nitrogen oxides flow
into soils through rainwater cause soil to be more acidic than normal.
However, although pH is one of the factors that affect
growth of plants, some of the plants love this kind of acidic and alkaline soil
condition. For example, balsam, tomatoes, strawberries and amelia chrysanthemum
prefer to grow in acidic soils while rosemary, parsley, purple coneflower love
alkaline soils. From the other perspective, if an area frequently receives high
rainfall level, soils have higher chance to be acidic as natural leaching of
minerals from soils. On the other hand, area where the climate is dry and warm
with low level of rainfall does not drain out mineral easily from soils and
this build up alkaline soils indirectly.
Lastly, since soils tend to acidify over time, appropriate
fertilizers may need to be applied on soils so that plants fertility can be
ensured therefore crops yield production will not be affected much. Lime and
gypsum are commonly used to optimize the soil pH condition in agricultural
1. Objectives:
· Understanding the concept and definition of soil
· To bring the knowledge of soil moisture measurement methods into practice.
· To learn how to correct the soil weight for soil moisture at air dry (AD) conditions to oven dry (OD) soil moisture.
· To determine a correction factor to account for the air dry moisture content in subsequent samples weighed for analysis.
· Determining the moisture content of soil sample
· To bring the knowledge of soil moisture measurement methods into practice.
· To learn how to correct the soil weight for soil moisture at air dry (AD) conditions to oven dry (OD) soil moisture.
· To determine a correction factor to account for the air dry moisture content in subsequent samples weighed for analysis.
· Determining the moisture content of soil sample
2. Apparatus
and Materials:
100gm of soil
sample, hexagonal weighing dish, analytical balance weighing scale, spatula,
portable soil moisture, pots with sowed seeds, oven
3(A). Procedures:
1. The
mass of the plastic container was recorded using the analytical balance.
2. A
portion of soil sample was taken and placed into a lightweight weighing dish.
3. First
step was done by gradually adding soil, estimating it is 100gm and pressed
gently using a spatula to make it compact.
4. The
soil sample was weighed using the analytical balance. Few additions and removal
of soil was done to ensure the soil is 100 gram, minus the weight of the dish,
on the scale reading.
5. The
initial mass weight of soil together with the dish was recorded.
6. The
weighed soil sample was placed out of the laboratory, exposed to air and
sunlight, let for a week for air-drying and to be observed later on.
7. After
a week, the moisture of the soil was observed by sight and touch.
8. The
mass of the soil was recorded.
9. The
soil was put into the laboratory oven in a temperature of 80 degree Celsius for
an hour, to remove the excess moisture that was left after a week of
10. The
final mass of the soil after heated was recorded.
Diagram 1: Analytical balance
Diagram 2: Disposable weighing dish, weighs 1.4290 gram
Diagram 3: 100gram soil on weighing dish
3(B) Procedures:
The plants were made sure not
watered in the early morning before the measurements of its soil moisture were
The metal of the
portable soil moisture tool was inserted into the soil where the seeds are
sowed to measure the soil moisture in each pots.
The small button sensor for
moisture was pressed and moved the needle from its original position.
The readings on the tool were
4 (A). Results:
Mass of soil
with weighing dish (gram)
5th March
12th March
2018 (initial – after air-dried)
12th March
2018 (final – after been oven-dried)
Table 1: Mass of soil after oven-dried
4 (B). Results
Diagram 5: Reading for Pot B
Diagram 6: Reading for Pot C
Diagram 7: Reading for Pot D
Portable Soil Moisture Tool Reading
1.0 - Dry
1.0 - Dry
1.0 - Dry
1.0 - Dry
1.0 - Dry
Table 2 : Reading of Portable Soil Moisture Tool
5. Discussion
When a soil is
sampled it is spread out and dried to air dry moisture content. The exception
to this is when drying the soil would affect a biological assay or
investigation of biological organisms that are so common in soils. When
biological organisms are to be assayed the soil is often not dried and is
sometimes placed in cold storage.
Even when a soil
sample feels dry after air drying, it contains some water. This water is held
too tightly to be useful to plants, but in order to quantitatively report on
soil characteristics this tightly held water must be accounted for.
In soil moisture
determination usually moist soil samples can be directly put into the oven for
drying. However, by using air drying method, the initial moisture content, size
of the sample and total sample load (number of sample soil dried in a batch)
may affect the drying time. Accordingly, air drying the samples before oven
drying may yield better results. That is why to check the soil moisture,
it is preferred to air dry it first then put it into the oven instead of
directly dehydrate it in the oven just for the sake of faster result.
As stated in the
results, all of the pots gave same readings which are 1.0 for soil moisture, which
indicated that the soil samples in all of the soils were very dry. This is
because we were advised to not water the plants before conducting the
experiment hence its dryness, plus the weather in the morning which is sunny.
All pots show same results because we only use one type of soil for our whole
experiments, so it is relevant. Our soil type is silty loam. It is possible
that our soil may be too compact that the water from the other day (after daily
watering routine) does not even have enough time to permeate completely into
the soil, thus being left there in a stagnant condition and evaporated by air. Typically, a soil contains half
solid materials and half pore space, filled by air and water. In poorly drained soilsmost of the
small voids are filled with water for long periods of time, leaving too little
air. By observing our soil colour which is dark brownish to black, it
tells that our soil have poor drainage. This may direct or indirectly affect
the soil’s moisture.
To study the
concept of soil pH.
To take into
practice the method of measuring soil pH using various methods.
To understand the
importance of soil pH towards plant growth.
Spatula, beaker,
glass rod, filter funnel, test tube, test tube holder, portable pH measurement
tool and static pH metre, small beaker
Soil, deionized
water, filter paper, pH paper (universal indicator)
4(A) Using pH paper
1. A few spatula
of soils were transferred into a beaker and mixed with deionized water. The
solution was then stirred.
2. A folded filter
paper was placed into the surface of a funnel placed on the mouth of a test
3. The solution
from step 1 was then filtered with the aid of the filter funnel.
Diagram 9: Ongoing process of soil filtration
4. The pH of each
solution was tested with filter paper. pH paper was dipped into the soil
solution, and dried to obtain the actual color of it so accurate observation
could be made.
5. The cooler of
the pH paper was observed, and compared with the chart on the plastic case of
the universal indicator.
4 (B) Using pH
The filtered
solution obtained from 4(A) was collected in a small beaker to allow the pH
meter’s conductor to immerse into the solution.
The values shown
on soil pH meter were recorded.
Diagrams 10 and 11: Ongoing
process using soil pH meter
4(C) Using
Portable Soil pH tool
The same tool as
in soil moisture analysis were used but to measure the pH of the soil, simply
put the pH tester into all our 5 pots.
The tester was
moved for a bit for adjusting.
The values pointed
by the needle on the meter were recorded.
5. Results
5 (A). Using pH paper
From our
observation, we have found that the pH of our soil sample which is taken from
the lakeside of FSSA is rather acidic with value around pH 5.
Diagram 12: pH paper result
5 (B) Using pH meter.
We obtained pH
soil result of 5.79 when pH meter was used.
Diagram 13: Data obtained using pH meter
5 (C). Using
Portable Soil pH tool
Diagram 18: Pot E
Portable Soil pH
Tool Reading
4.8 - Acidic
4.6 – Acidic
4.3 – Acidic
4.2 – Acidic
4.6 - Acidic
Table 3 : Reading of Portable Soil pH Tool
6. Discussion
Soil pH is a measure of the
concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil solution. The lower the pH of soil,
the greater the acidity. pH should be maintained at above 5.5 in the topsoil
and 4.8 in the subsurface. A well maintained soil pH will maintain the value of
the soil resource, maximize crop and pasture choice and avoid production losses
due to low pH.
pH, sometimes referred to as soil acidity, can be expressed using the pH scale.
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Soils with pH above 7 are basic or sweet.
Soils with pH below 7 are acidic or sour. A soil with a pH of 7 is
neither acidic nor basic – it is neutral.
Soil pH provides
various clues about soil properties and is easily determined. The most accurate
method of determining soil pH is by a pH meter. A second method which is simple
and easy but less accurate then using a pH meter, consists of using certain
indicators such as pH paper as used in this experiment.
pH of soil is an important factor in determining which plants grow because it
controls which nutrients are available for the plants to use. Three primary
plant nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – are required for
healthy plant growth. Because plants need them in large quantities, they are
called macronutrients. They are the main ingredients of most fertilizers
that farmers and gardeners add to their soil. Other nutrients such as iron and
manganese are also needed by plants, but only in very small amounts. These
nutrients are called micronutrients.
availability of these nutrients depends not only on the amount but also on the
form that is present, on the rate they are released from the soil, and on the
pH of the soil. In general, macronutrients are more available in soil with high
pH and micronutrients are more available in soil with low pH. Figure 1 shows
the effect of pH on the availability of nutrients in the soil.
The best pH for
balsam growth can be anywhere
between 6.1 and 7.5. The nutrients that are available in this region of pH
includes phosphorus, nitrogen, sulphur, potassium, calcium, magnesium.
1. Objectives:
To understand the concept of water holding capacity of
To determine the water-holding capacity of our soil sample.
To demonstrate the ability of soil or compost to retain
moisture against drainage due to gravity
2. Apparatus:
Cutter, electronic balance, plastic
containers, cloth
3. Materials:
Filter papers, two identical aluminium cans, air
dried extra soils, disposable gloves, tapwater
4. Procedures:
1. Few
holes were made the bottom of a can labeled Can A, which were four holes in
this procedure, a filter paper that had been into the same size as aluminium
can bottom was placed at the bottom of the can. The
weight of can (Can A) along with filter paper is recorded.
2. Step
1 was repeated for another can (Can B) with the same amount of holes
Soil was transferred into both cans until they reach the same weight as shown
in Diagram 19 below.
4. The
soil was pressed gently to make them as compact as possible, until they form
uniform layer on top.
Diagram 20: Soil ought to be
5. The
cans with soil are weighed and their weights were recorded.
Water was poured into two small plastic containers.
Both the cans were placed on each of the plastic containers, until they are in
contact with water.
8. The
bottom of the cans were soaked until the surface of the soil are moist.
9. The
cans were removed from water contact. Water drippings were wiped before
measuring the weights.
6. Discussions:
Water holding capacity is the total amount of water a soil
can hold at field capacity. One of the main functions of soil is to store moisture and
supply it to plants between rainfalls or irrigations. Evaporation from the soil
surface, transpiration by plants and deep percolation combine to reduce soil
moisture status between water applications. If the water content becomes too
low, plants become stressed. The plant available moisture storage capacity of a
soil provides a buffer which determines a plant’s capacity to withstand dry
The clay soil had the highest water holding capacity and the
sand soil had the least; clay>silt>sand. Clay particles are so tiny and
have many small pore spaces that make water move slower (the highest water
holding capacity). Sandy soils have good drainage but low water and nutrient
holding capacities. Thus, our soil sample is silty loam which result in
approximately 33% of the soil’s ability to store and hold in water.
Our plants, impatiens
balsamina require frequent watering and needs to be kept moist. In this
case, a type of soil that can hold water well will be the most suitable for our
plant. However, after conducting an experiment on the water holding capacity of
our silty loam soil sample, we found that its capacity is not as much as
expected. This might be one of the reasons why all 5 of our pots have different
growth rates and some pots have difficulty in germinating the balsam seeds,
despite having sowed the same type of seeds as well as planted using the same
type of soil. As for the latter aspect, it might be that some pots are too
compact or have more debris than the others besides receiving slightly less or
more amount of water than the pot with the seeds which have germinated and grow
well, which is Pot C. However, to improve the growth of the balsam seedlings,
it is advised to water them in the morning, so that excess moisture on the
plants gets removed by the evening. This is good for preventing certain
diseases on the plants.
In conclusion, soil is a vital element in
the earth which directly and indirectly supports lives, and it is important for
us to understand the characteristics of the soil in order to provide better
management and protection to our limited resource. In soil analysis, soil pH,
soil water holding capacity and soil moisture are important characteristics to
be understood in order to give better soil management.
According to the results
of soil analysis tests, the soil pH obtained from pH meter has an average of 5.79,
pH obtained from pH paper has an average of 5 and pH obtained from portable pH
tester has an average of 4.5 which is acidic still. For soil moisture, the results obtained in
average is 1.0 using the portable soil moisture tool which indicated that our
soil is very dry. Meanwhile, the water holding capacity of
our soil sample with silty loam type has an average percentage of 33.45%.
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Larry Pitts, 2016,
Monitoring soil moisture for optimal crop growth,
Leineriza, 2011, Soil pH-Guide to Acidic soil and Alkaline
soil adjustment,
The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, 2011,
Soil pH and Liming,
Government of Alberta, 2003, Soil pH and Plant Nutrients,$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex6607
Christina Curell, 2011, Why is soil holding capacity
important?: Maintaining soil water capacity can mean increased profits to farm,
Jeff Ball, 2001, Soil and water relationship,
Oregon State University, 2004, Water holding capacity,
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2008, Soil
quality indicators: Available water capacity,

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