First Lab Report: TARAB ARAB Padi Sawah
Title: Soil Texture and Soil Colour Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Diana Demiyah Mohd Hamdan
Date of Submission: 20th March 2018
BS17160698 |
Soil Texture Analysis
I) Introduction
The term soil texture is referred as the composition
of sand, silt and clay that makes up the soil. The size of the sand particles
differs from the silt particles and same goes to the clay particles. Sand
particles are relatively much larger compared to silt and clay particles.
![]() |
Sizes of sand, silt and clay |
As shown in the figure above, the sand particle ranges from 0.2 to 2mm for coarse sand and 0.02 to 0.2mm for fine sand whereas silt particle would measure up to 0.002 to 0.02mm. Clay particles would be the finest and are usually less than 0.002mm in size. (Measuring Engineering Australia, 2018)
In comparison to the ability of retaining water, the
sand particle would be the least to retain moisture. Hence, sand particles
drain water easily. However, for clay particles, they perform the best in
retaining moisture. To determine the soil composition through our naked
eyes is a difficult task and errors commonly occur. Hence, there are multiple
test which would help us identify the soil composition.
These tests would be the ball and ribbon method, Mason Jar Soil Test which we will use the results for the soil textural triangular. Soil textural triangle chart would then be used to determine the texture of the soil. Soil texture are extremely important as they affect the amount of water the soil can hold, the rate of water movement through the soil, how workable and fertile the soil, aeration and the plant rooting depth. (S.J. Thien. 1979)
These tests would be the ball and ribbon method, Mason Jar Soil Test which we will use the results for the soil textural triangular. Soil textural triangle chart would then be used to determine the texture of the soil. Soil texture are extremely important as they affect the amount of water the soil can hold, the rate of water movement through the soil, how workable and fertile the soil, aeration and the plant rooting depth. (S.J. Thien. 1979)
II) Objective
- To determine the soil texture through the ball and ribbon test.
- To determine the soil composition of each soil using the Mason Jar Test.
III) Materials and Apparatus
1. 5 different types of soil
2. 5 glass jar of the same size
3. 15 cm ruler
3. 15 cm ruler
Soil texture by jar test:
- 5 glass jar of the same size were prepared.
- Each glass jar was filled with 60% volume of soil.
- Water was added almost filling the whole jar.
- The jar lid was closed tightly.
- Each glass jar was shaken for about 10 minutes vigorously and it was let to settle out.
- Each glass jar was then labelled according to the soil type.
- Steps 1-6 were repeated with 4 other different type of soil.
- The glass jars were left undisturbed for 24 hour
- After 24 hours, each glass jar was observed and the separate layers was marked.
Soil texture by Ribboning Method:
- An approximately small handful of soil was taken enough to make a small ball when soaked with water.
- Enough water was added to the dry soil until it can be moulded into a small ball shape.
- The soil sample was then formed into a ball about ¾ inch in diameter.
- If the soil does not form into a ball, it will be a sand.
- Samples that did not form into a ball was recorded down as sand. Otherwise, the
- procedure continued.
- The sample then was kneaded gently into a flat ribbon shape until it broke from its own weight.
- Samples that did not form a ribbon will be considered as loamy sand.
- Observations were recorded
- The samples that were able to form ribbons were felt with fingers to find out if it is gritty (sand), silky (silt) or plastic/sticky (clay).
- Soil samples that were able to form a ribbon less than 1 inch and the soil felt gritty, it would be recorded as a sandy loam texture.
- Soil samples that were able to form a ribbon less than 1 inch and the soil felt smooth, it would be recorded as a silty loam texture.
- Soil samples that were able to form a ribbon less than 1 inch and it felt neither gritty nor smooth, it would be recorded as loam texture.
- Soil samples that were able to form a ribbon between 1-2 inches long and the soil felt gritty, it would be recorded as sandy clay loam texture.
- Soil samples that were able to form a ribbon between 1-2 inches long and the soil felt smooth, it would be recorded as silty clay loam texture.
- If it was able to form a ribbon that was between 1-2 inches long and the soil felt neither gritty nor smooth, it is clay loam texture.
- If it was able to form a ribbon more than 2 inches long and the soil felt gritty, it would be recorded as sandy clay texture.
- If it was able to form a ribbon more than 2 inches long and the soil felt smooth, it would be recorded as silty clay texture.
- If it was able to form a ribbon more than 2 inches long and the soil felt neither gritty nor smooth, it would be recorded as clay texture.
- All the data would then be recorded.
Soil Texture Test by Ball Method
- A handful of soil was taken and soaked with water and it was allowed to stick together without sticking to the hands.
- It was then laid down after forming a ball of 3 cm diameter.
- Observations were recorded on whether the ball falls apart.
- If the ball fell apart, it would then be recorded as sand.
- If the ball did not fall apart, the ball would then be continued to roll into a sausage shape of 6-7 cm long.
- If the 6-7 cm long sausage fell apart, the soil sample would be recorded as loamy sand.
- If the ball did not fall apart, the sausage would be further rolled into a length of 15-16 cm long.
- If the sausage fell apart, the soil sample would be recorded as sandy loam.
- If the sausage did not fall apart, the sausage would be bent into a half circle shape.
- If the half circle shaped soil fell apart, it would be recorded as loam.
V) Results
Ribbon Test
Soil Type
Length of Ribbon (cm)
Soil Texture
Residential College E, Blk B1
Residential College E Compound
UMS Peak
Garden Soil
Ball Test
Soil Type
3cm ball
6-7cm Sausage
15-16cm Sausage
Bent Sausage
Soil Texture
Residential College E, Blk B1
Residential College E Compound
Loamy Sand
UMS Peak
Sandy Loam
Garden Soil
Sandy Loam
* ✓=Does not fall
X= Falls apart
Mason Jar Test
Soil Type
Number of Layers
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
Soil Texture
Residential College E, Blk B1
Residential College E Compound
UMS Peak
Garden Soil
Jar Tests for Residential College E, Blk B1 |
Jar Tests for Garden Soil |
Jar Tests for Residential College E Compound |
Jar Tests for UMS Peak |
Jar Tests for ODEC |
Textural Triangular Chart for ODEC |
Textural Triangular Chart for BLK B1 |
Textural Triangular Chart for Garden Soil |
Textural Triangular Chart for College E, Compound |
Textural Triangular Chart for UMS Peak |
VI) Discussion
While conducting the experiment, one of the way
to differentiate the soil physical property is through soil texture. Soil
texture refers to the proportion of the soil “separates “ that make up the
mineral component of soil. The type of field method of soil texture estimation
that been used is Ball & Ribbon Method.
Soil texture of Residential College E, compound's soil was described as loamy
sand. Ribbon could not be formed when conducting the ribbon test. While
conducting the ball test of College E, compound’s soil, the soil managed to be
molded into a 3 cm sized ball, however, when rolled into a 6-7 cm sausage, it fell
apart. Hence, we can interpret that this sample soil is a loamy sand.
Soil texture of ODEC was described as Sand. ODEC
soil did not produce any ribbon during the ribbon test and hence, we can
conclude that it’s texture is sand. For the ball test, ODEC soil did not survive
when molded into 3 cm ball and falls apart. Hence, we interpret that it is of a
sand texture.
Soil texture of UMS Peak interpreted as sandy
loam or clay loam. The length of the ribbon that can be formed was 2.7 cm and
shows us that it is of a clay loam texture. For the ball method, UMS Peak soil
sample survived the first two stages. However, when rolled into a 15-16 cm long
sausage, it falls apart. Hence, we categorized the soil as sandy loam.
Soil texture of soil College E, Blk B1 was
recorded as loam. The length of the ribbon that can be form was 2.9 cm where it
showed the texture of clay loam. For the ball test, the soil sample was
recorded as loam as it was the only soil that survived till it was bent into a
half circle shaped from a 15-16 cm long sausage shape.
Soil texture of Garden Soil was recorded as
Sandy loam or loam. The length of the ribbon that can be formed was 2.4 cm
which indicates loam texture. For the ball test, the soil sample only fell
apart when rolled into a 15-16 cm long sausage shape. Hence, we interpret it as
sandy loam.
For the Mason Jar test, due to the small size of the jar, the layers of each composition was not apparent enough for measurements and calculations. Hence, it was difficult to identify the many layers formed for each jar. The bottom layer where the sand occupies was the most apparent and obvious as seen from the table on Mason Jar test. Each jar consists of a layer of sand that covers over 90% of the soil composition in the jar. To further identify accurately the composition of the soil, sieve analysis test must be conducted. Organic matter was also found floating on the top layer of each jar.
VII) Conclusion
Both the Mason Jar test and the Ball and Ribbon test showed differences of soil texture for 5 different soil types separately. The Mason Jar test showed that sand was a large component in each of the 5 soil types. Next, soil texture analysis is to determine the texture class and name. By knowing the soil texture, it helps us manage the soil and it influences storm water infiltration rates, the rate of water movement through soil, soil water holding capacity, the ease of tilling the soil and the amount of aeration.
- Thien, S.J. 1979. A flow diagram for teaching texture by feel analysis. Journal of Agronomic Education. 8:54-55.
- Queensland Government. 2013. Soil Texture. Viewed on 19/3/2018
- Jensen, J.L., Schjonning, P., Watts, C.W., Christensen, B.T. and Munkholm, L.J. 2017. Soil texture analysis revisited: Removal of organic matter matters more than ever.
Soil Color Analysis
I) Introduction
Soil colour is one way
of indicating the soil status and the colour depends on many factors, mainly on
the amount and state of organic matter and iron oxide, as well as amount of air
and water in soil pores.
In general, dark soils have high organic
matter content, grey soils are waterlogged, or anaerobic, brown soils are
well-drained and aerated soils. Soil colour is measured using the Munsell Soil
Colour charts. (Odeh, I.O.A. and McBratney, A.B. 2005)
The Munsell Soil Colour
Charts is an affordable way to evaluate the type and the of soil that is
present within a given area. The book is designed to allow soil colour
evaluations in the field quickly and much easier. The soil classification
system that has been developed around Munsell Colour
System is an established and accepted process to assign a soil type. This
classification system has been used in the United States for more than 55 years
to aid in the management and stewardship of natural resources. Using the
Munsell Soil Charts, practitioners from a wide range of professions can share
reliable and consistent information about the colour
of soils at a particular site with colleagues anywhere around the world. (Cleland, T.M. 1921)
Soil colour is influenced
by its mineral composition as well as water and organic contents. For example,
soils high in calcium tend to be white, those high in iron are reddish, and
those high in humus are dark brown to black. Soil needs only about 5% organic material
to appear black when wet. Soil colour is also a
reflection of its age, and the temperature and moisture characteristics of the
climate. Thus, cooler regions tend to have greyish to black top soils,
due to the accumulation of humus. In moist warm regions, soils tend to be more
yellowish-brown to red, depending on the hydration of ferric oxide and
extensive weathering of the soil's parental mineral content. Rapid
mineralization of the organic content in warm moist regions means that
insufficient humus accumulates to cause a major impact on soil colour. Arid soils tend to be light in colour, and primarily express the colour
of their mineral content. (Jackson, R.S. 2014)
II) Objectives
1. To determine soil colour using
Munsell Colour Notation
III) Materials and Apparatus
- Munsell book of colour
- 5 different soil types
IV) Procedure
- The ped or soil sample was selected to be described.
- The sample was moistened so that no free water was present nor it was glistening in the light
- The hue of the sample was determined by comparison with pages in the Munsell colour book.
- With good light coming over the shoulder, the soil’s color was compared with the color chips until the best match was found.
- The Munsell color notation (hue value/chroma) and the soil color name were recorded
V) Results
Munsell Soil Colour
Residential College E, Blk B1
10 YR
10 YR 4/6
Dark yellowish brown
Residential College E Compound
2.5 YR
2.5 YR 4/4
Reddish brown
2.5 Y
2.5 Y 6/2
Light brownish gray
10 YR
10 YR 3/3
Dark brown
Garden Soil
2.5 YR
2.5 YR 3/3
Dark reddish brown
VI) Discussion
Soil colour depends on organic matter
and mineral content and is influenced by drainage. The topsoil is usually darker
than lower layers (or horizon) because this is where organic matter
accumulates. Dark soil colour may result from poor drainage and high organic
matter content. Shades of red indicates a clay soil which the soil is
well-aerated while shades of grey indicate inadequate drainage. Munsell Colour
system was used in this analysis. It is a colour space that specifies colours
based on three colour dimensions: hue, value (lightness), and chroma (colour
According to the results,
the colour for Residential College E Blk B1 soil is 10 YR 4/6 (dark brown). Accumulations of organic
matter in soils caused the soil to be in brownish black dark colour. Humus
coats the soil particles, giving them a dark colour. Usually, the darker the
colour of a soil, the more organic matter the soil contains, and the more
fertile and productive is the soil.
The colour for UMS Peak
soil is 10 YR 3/3 (dark yellowish brown). The colour shows that the soil is
well aerated which means that air moves freely into and out of the pore spaces
of the soil. As microbes and plant roots use up oxygen in soil pores, oxygen
from the air above the soil moves in to replace it. Well-aerated soils provide
a healthy environment for plant roots. Due to iron oxide coatings on mineral
grains (soil particles), the soil is brown in colour. These iron oxide coatings
require plenty of oxygen in soil pores. If water should fill soil pores and
remain there for a long time, oxygen cannot reach the iron coatings, causing
the soil to turn grey. That is why brown colours indicate that the soil has
good air-water relations and has not been saturated for long periods of time.
The colour of the soil from
Residential College E, compound is 2.5 YR 4/4 (reddish brown) and the colour of purchased dark soil is
2.5 YR 3/3 (dark reddish brown). These colours are also caused by iron oxide
coatings, and they also indicate well-aerated soil. The soil is red, rather than
brown, only because the chemical form of the iron oxide is a little different.
Sandy soil from ODEC is 2.5 Y 6/2 (light brownish gray). The colour is lighter
because of the lost and leaching of organic matter. The colour soil for garden soil would be 2.5 YR 3/3 which corresponds to the dark reddish brown colour.
VII) Conclusion
In a conclusion, from the analysis of the colour of soil, the content
and the condition of the soil can be determined. These are important factors
for plants to grow so that the plants can grow healthily and crop production
- Missouri Career Education. (n.d.). Soil Colour. Retrieved from
- Odeh, I.O.A. and McBratney, A.B. 2005. Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment.
- Cleland, T.M. 1921. A practical description of the Munsell color system, with suggestions for its use.
- Jackson, R.S. 2014. Wine Science, Fourth Edition: Principles and Applications (Food Science and Technology)
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