Fifth Lab Report: Balsam Ballerina
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All plants need a number of nutrients to survive in thrive. These nutrient are divided into two groups which are macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are needed in much greater quantities than micronutrients. The three macronutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). These macronutrients usually lacking first from the soil because plants use large amounts for their growth and survival.
Nitrogen nutrient plays important role in plant because it helps foliage
grow strong and affects the plants leaf development. Nitrogen also give their
plants green colour due to its assistance with chlorophyll production. For
phosphorus, it is essential nutrients for plant because it is assists with the
growth of roots and flowers. It also
helps plants to survive harsh climate and environmental stressors. Next,
potassium helps to strengthen plants, contribute to early growth and assits the
plants in retaining water. Beside that, it also keeps the plants from
contracting disease and insects. It is also important in fruiting and flowering
by strengthening stems and improving colour and flavour.
Thus, macronutrients play a vital role for growth and survival of plant.
Important factors need to be considered when managing nutrients such as
management of soil, water and crop to minimize the off site transport nutrients
from nutrients leaching out of the root zone, surface runoff and
1. To determine nutrient content, composition and soil constraints such as the acidity or pH level of soil sample.
2. To provide an inexpensive method of determining soil fertility.
3. To estimate land of soil's capability for various forms of agriculture.
4. To provide guidelines as to the type and amount of fertilizer to be applied for optimum plant growth for the particular soil type.
20gram of air dried soil sample.
Distilled Water
200ml glass beaker
0.45 µm membrane filter paper
Vacuum pump
Nutrient packets (Phosphate, Nitrate, Sulfate)
Sample cells
Magnetic stirrer
Stirrer plate
High density polyethene (HDPE) bottle
For the nutrients analysis, we have kept a filtrate of our soil sample in the fridge from past salinity test. However, it seemed like the filtrate was not enough for the analysis which is why we extracted new filtrate from our soil sample.
Soil filtrate extraction procedures:
1. We took 20g from our unused air dried soil that have been sieved manually which have size of less than 2mm and put it in a beaker.
2. 50 ml of distilled water was mixed in the beaker and stirred for 20 minutes with a spatula.
Diagram 1: Stirring mixture of soil and water
3. The mixture was then left undisturbed for 10 minutes for the particles to settle down.
4. The 0.45 µm membrane filter paper was used before setting up the funnel for the filtration.
5. The mixture was then poured into the funnel and filtered by using the vacuum pump.
6. After the extraction of the filtrate was finished and there was no water left in the funnel, the vacuum pump was turned off and the filtrate was transferred into the same HDPE bottle that contained the filtrate from the salinity test.
Soil nutrients analysis procedures:
Diagram 2: Nutrient Analysis Instrument
1. The soil nutrient analysis was done by using the HACH kit.
2. Before the analysis was started, gloves have to be worn all the time.
3. The filtrate used was stored in the fridge from the past salinity test and also from the newly extracted filtrate.
4. The experiment was conducted by using the HACH kit, where 3 nutrients analysis have been made which were for Nitrate, Phosphate and Sulfate.
5. For every analysis, 3 readings were taken to find out the average.
6. The solution from the analysis should not be discarded in the sink. Therefore, we collected all the solution in a beaker before it was discarded into proper waste storage.
Nutrient analysis for Nitrate using 355N, Nitrate HR PP:
Diagram 4: Manual for Nitrate Analysis
1. Firstly, the program ‘355N, Nitrate HR PP’was selected on the instrument.
2. In the sample cell, 10 ml of the filtrate was poured in.
3. Then, one NitraVer 5 Nitrate Reagent powder pillow was added to the sample cell.
Diagram 5: Packet of Nitrate Reagent
4. After the powder pillow was added, 1 minute timer was set on the instrument and the sample cell was vigorously shaken until the timer expired.
Diagram 6: Nitrate dissolved in sample cell
6. The blank was prepared when the timer expired where a second sample cell was filled with 10 ml of the filtrate.
7. Before the blank sample cell was inserted into the cell holder, it was wiped with a tissue so that the outer surface of the sample cell was not wet.
8. After the blank sample cell was placed in the cell holder and the cover was closed, ZERO was pressed on the instrument and the display showed 0.0mg/L NO3--N.
9. Then, the blank sample cell was removed from the cell holder and the outer surface of prepared sample cell was also wiped with a tissue.
10. Within 1 minutes after the timer expired, the prepared sample cell was inserted in the cell holder and the cover of the instrument was closed.
11. Then, READ was pressed and the result was showed in mg/L NO3--N.
12. When it was done, the solution in the prepared sample cell was poured in the beaker before it was properly discarded and the sample cell was cleaned with a brush and soap.
Nutrient analysis for Phosphate using 490 P React. PV:
Diagram 7: Manual for Sulfate analysis
Diagram 8: Manual for Sulfate analysis
2. In the sample cell, 10 ml of the filtrate was poured in.
3. Then, one PhosVer 3 Phosphate powder pillow was added to the sample cell and it was shaken vigorously for 30 seconds.
Diagram 9: Phosphate power packet
Diagram 10: Discarding nutrient powder from packet into sample cell
4. After that, the 2 minute timer on the instrument was started and the sample cell was let undisturbed for the reaction to happen.
5. When the timer expired, the blank sample cell was wiped with a tissue before it was inserted in the cell holder and the cover was closed. ZERO was pressed and the display showed 0.00 mg/L PO43-.
6. Then, the blank sample cell was removed from the cell holder and the outer surface of prepared sample cell was also wiped with a tissue.
7. READ was pressed and the result was showed in mg/L PO43-.
8. When it was done, the solution in the prepared sample cell was poured in the beaker before it was properly discarded and the sample cell was cleaned with a brush and soap.
Nutrient analysis for Sulfate using 680 Sulfate:
1. Firstly, the program ‘680 Sulfate’ was selected on the instrument.
2. In the sample cell, 10 ml of the filtrate was poured in.
3. Then, one SulfaVer 4 Reagent powder pillow was added to the sample cell.
4. The sample cell was then swirled vigorously to dissolve the powder and the color of the solution changed into white.
5. After that, the 5 minute timer on the instrument was started and the sample cell was let undisturbed for the reaction to happen.
6. Before the blank sample cell was inserted into the cell holder when the timer expired, it was wiped with a tissue so that the outer surface of the sample cell was not wet.
7. After the sample cell was placed in the cell holder and the cover was closed, ZERO was pressed on the instrument and the display showed 0 mg/L SO42–.
8. Then, the blank sample cell was removed from the cell holder and the outer surface of prepared sample cell was also wiped with a tissue.
9. Within 5 minutes after the timer expired, the prepared sample cell was inserted in the cell holder and the cover of the instrument was closed.
10. Then, READ was pressed and the result was showed in mg/L SO42–.
11. When it was done, the solution in the prepared sample cell and the blank sample cell werepoured in the beaker before it was properly discarded and both of the sample cell was cleaned with a brush and soap.
5. When the timer expired, the blank sample cell was wiped with a tissue before it was inserted in the cell holder and the cover was closed. ZERO was pressed and the display showed 0.00 mg/L PO43-.
6. Then, the blank sample cell was removed from the cell holder and the outer surface of prepared sample cell was also wiped with a tissue.
7. READ was pressed and the result was showed in mg/L PO43-.
8. When it was done, the solution in the prepared sample cell was poured in the beaker before it was properly discarded and the sample cell was cleaned with a brush and soap.
Nutrient analysis for Sulfate using 680 Sulfate:
Diagram 11: Manual for Sulfate analysis
Diagram 12: Manual for Sulfate analysis
2. In the sample cell, 10 ml of the filtrate was poured in.
3. Then, one SulfaVer 4 Reagent powder pillow was added to the sample cell.
4. The sample cell was then swirled vigorously to dissolve the powder and the color of the solution changed into white.
5. After that, the 5 minute timer on the instrument was started and the sample cell was let undisturbed for the reaction to happen.
6. Before the blank sample cell was inserted into the cell holder when the timer expired, it was wiped with a tissue so that the outer surface of the sample cell was not wet.
7. After the sample cell was placed in the cell holder and the cover was closed, ZERO was pressed on the instrument and the display showed 0 mg/L SO42–.
8. Then, the blank sample cell was removed from the cell holder and the outer surface of prepared sample cell was also wiped with a tissue.
9. Within 5 minutes after the timer expired, the prepared sample cell was inserted in the cell holder and the cover of the instrument was closed.
10. Then, READ was pressed and the result was showed in mg/L SO42–.
11. When it was done, the solution in the prepared sample cell and the blank sample cell werepoured in the beaker before it was properly discarded and both of the sample cell was cleaned with a brush and soap.
Soil Sample
Nutrient code
First reading
Second reading
Third reading
Average (mg/L)
FSSA Lakeside
(Sandy loam)
490 P React.
PV- Phosphorus
Nitrate HR PP
Diagram 13: Sulfate analysis result
Diagram 14: Phosphate analysis result
Diagram 15: Nitrate analysis result
Nutrient analysis has been used for many years to test and assess soil fertility and plant nutrient management which is vital for sustainable crop production at an acceptable level (Johnny Johnston, et al, 2011). Soil sampling and analysis is important in planting as it is the important step in managing soil nutrient availability required by plants.
Macronutrientsare essential nutrients that plants required in a large amount. There are a lot of macronutrientswhich include carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P),calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S). There are three categories that separate these nutrients in soil which are primary nutrients, intermediate and micronutrients. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are the nutrients element that can be obtained directly from atmosphere through photosynthesis. The primary nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. These three nutrients seem to be required by plants in large quantities than other nutrients where we can easily see N-P-K label on commercial fertilizer bag. Phosphorus is stated as primary nutrient not because of high demand of plants’ but its high frequency of soil deficient of this element. For sulphur, magnesium and calcium, they are the intermediate. These elements are not that necessary for plant if they are compared to primary nutrients. While for micronutrients or trace elements such as boron, copper, zinc and manganese, they are only required in very small quantities which the uptake is normally expressed in parts per million instead of percentage basis.
The concentration or presence of nutrients can be determined and affected by many aspects such as soil texture, soil permeability, soil pH and even the presence of organic matters. So, nutrient analysis is conducted to obtain the concentration of nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus in soil that we collected from certain area.
Nitrogen is important as it is a major component for plant growth which it builds up amino acid, the building blocks of proteins that act as structural units in plant cell or enzymes. It gives plants their green colour as it does contribute in chlorophyll production as well. However, organic nitrogen compounds cannot be intake directly from the atmosphere as the plants normally obtain nitrogen in the form of ammonium and nitrate ions from soil through their roots system. For example, there are around 78% of nitrogen in the air but it cannot be used by plants directly to make proteins but inorganic nitrates are useful to plants. That is why we are dependent on processes to convert nitrogen to nitrates in the soil. Nitrogen fixation process which is Habor process helps converting nitrogen gas into ammonia which is further used as fertilizer. The ammonia will be converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria such as Rhizobia in the soil. In addition, lightning also can convert nitrogen gas into nitrate compounds. As we look at our result, the average for nutrient analysis on nitrate content in our soil sample is 9.43 mg/L. It showed deficiency of nitrate level in our soil as it can be explained by looking at the growth of our balsam plants which they cannot grow strong and big foliage. Some of the old leaves became light green and pale yellow but it may also because the transfer of nutrient from old leaves to new leaves. If relate to soil texture, our soil sample has more sand soil compared to clay or silk where its soil permeability is greater which results in soluble nitrate easily to leach when excess rain water percolates the soil. In the perspective of soil pH, soil with pH 6.0 to 7.5 will have abundance of nitrogen nutrient but since our soil pH is around 4.2 to 4.8, that may be one of the reasons why our soil lacks nitrogen nutrient. Crop removal may cause the deficiency of nitrogen in soil but in this case, our soil was located at lakeside where there are mainly grasses instead of crops, therefore it is not the main cause of nitrogen deficiency. In addition, there are some organic matters that appeared during the jar test, that may be the contributor of nitrogen while the nitrogen level is low which it may due to the denitrification process occurs frequently at the particular region where nitrate is converted back to gaseous oxides of nitrogen which unavailable to plants.
Phosphorus is also essential element for plant growth. This is because phosphorus helps plant in growing roots, flowers and alsoassisting plants to survive through harsh climates and environmental stressors. The orthophosphates, dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-) and hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-) are the common primary forms of phosphorus taken up by plants. Although it is not that common but certain organic phosphorus can be directly obtained by plants from soil. Phosphorus moves to root surface through diffusion but the presence of mycorrhizal fungi which develop a symbiotic relationship with roots will enhance the uptake of phosphorus especially in acidic soil with less phosphorus element. Our nutrient analysis on phosphorus content in soil sample showed 0.38 mg/L. From the beginning of planting our balsam until the end of it, we can see the growth rate of balsam plant in the soil is very slow and the plants are in small size without flower and seed production. Of course, it actually takes time for a plant to develop its reproductive structure, but the slow rate of plant maturity is undeniably as well. Our soil sample has more sand compared to clay soil as clay particles have larger surface area for phosphate sorption. Phosphorus normally abundant in soil pH 6.5 to 7.5 but at low pH, if the soils have great amount of aluminium, anion exchange capacity will result in strong bonds with phosphate. The presence of organic matters is also a vital source of phosphorus as they contribute in the formation of complexes with organic phosphate. Leaching and runoff of phosphorus in soil may largely due to natural erosion process that carry away the nutrient and also removal of crops.
Sulfur helps plants to resist diseases, form seeds and production of amino acid. It also plays a role in photosynthesis as a part of electron transport chain where hydrogen gradient is the key in conversion of light energy into ATP. Basically, plants obtain sulphur mostly from organic matters. As organic matters are decomposed or broken down, organic sulphur is mineralized into sulphate form which plants can easily uptake it. The sulphate-sulphur will then be taken up by plants roots. At the same time, there are also minerals that contain sulphur weathered underground which the sulphate-sulphur element is formed. Sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere, pesticides, fertilizers and water irrigation do contribute in formation of sulphur nutrient to plants. From the result of nutrient analysis, it is shown that our soil has excess of sulphur content which is 3.50! mg/L. However, the conflict is that our soil texture is more to sandy loam that contains more sand soil which means sulphur should leach easily. The only reason may because of the abundance of organic matters in our soil sample as they store a lot of sulphur within. Sulphur normally abundant in soil pH around 6.0 to 10.0 but it seems to be a lot in our soil sample so probably there is a polluted spot near our soil sample location. Accumulation of fertilizers and pesticides may be possible as our soil located just right beside the lakeside and downhill ground.
Lastly, plants do need large amount of macronutrient for growth but then excess of the nutrients may interfere with micronutrients availability which they only occupy a small space to fit it.
Macronutrientsare essential nutrients that plants required in a large amount. There are a lot of macronutrientswhich include carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), phosphorus (P),calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulphur (S). There are three categories that separate these nutrients in soil which are primary nutrients, intermediate and micronutrients. Hydrogen, oxygen and carbon are the nutrients element that can be obtained directly from atmosphere through photosynthesis. The primary nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. These three nutrients seem to be required by plants in large quantities than other nutrients where we can easily see N-P-K label on commercial fertilizer bag. Phosphorus is stated as primary nutrient not because of high demand of plants’ but its high frequency of soil deficient of this element. For sulphur, magnesium and calcium, they are the intermediate. These elements are not that necessary for plant if they are compared to primary nutrients. While for micronutrients or trace elements such as boron, copper, zinc and manganese, they are only required in very small quantities which the uptake is normally expressed in parts per million instead of percentage basis.
The concentration or presence of nutrients can be determined and affected by many aspects such as soil texture, soil permeability, soil pH and even the presence of organic matters. So, nutrient analysis is conducted to obtain the concentration of nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus in soil that we collected from certain area.
Nitrogen is important as it is a major component for plant growth which it builds up amino acid, the building blocks of proteins that act as structural units in plant cell or enzymes. It gives plants their green colour as it does contribute in chlorophyll production as well. However, organic nitrogen compounds cannot be intake directly from the atmosphere as the plants normally obtain nitrogen in the form of ammonium and nitrate ions from soil through their roots system. For example, there are around 78% of nitrogen in the air but it cannot be used by plants directly to make proteins but inorganic nitrates are useful to plants. That is why we are dependent on processes to convert nitrogen to nitrates in the soil. Nitrogen fixation process which is Habor process helps converting nitrogen gas into ammonia which is further used as fertilizer. The ammonia will be converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria such as Rhizobia in the soil. In addition, lightning also can convert nitrogen gas into nitrate compounds. As we look at our result, the average for nutrient analysis on nitrate content in our soil sample is 9.43 mg/L. It showed deficiency of nitrate level in our soil as it can be explained by looking at the growth of our balsam plants which they cannot grow strong and big foliage. Some of the old leaves became light green and pale yellow but it may also because the transfer of nutrient from old leaves to new leaves. If relate to soil texture, our soil sample has more sand soil compared to clay or silk where its soil permeability is greater which results in soluble nitrate easily to leach when excess rain water percolates the soil. In the perspective of soil pH, soil with pH 6.0 to 7.5 will have abundance of nitrogen nutrient but since our soil pH is around 4.2 to 4.8, that may be one of the reasons why our soil lacks nitrogen nutrient. Crop removal may cause the deficiency of nitrogen in soil but in this case, our soil was located at lakeside where there are mainly grasses instead of crops, therefore it is not the main cause of nitrogen deficiency. In addition, there are some organic matters that appeared during the jar test, that may be the contributor of nitrogen while the nitrogen level is low which it may due to the denitrification process occurs frequently at the particular region where nitrate is converted back to gaseous oxides of nitrogen which unavailable to plants.
Phosphorus is also essential element for plant growth. This is because phosphorus helps plant in growing roots, flowers and alsoassisting plants to survive through harsh climates and environmental stressors. The orthophosphates, dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-) and hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-) are the common primary forms of phosphorus taken up by plants. Although it is not that common but certain organic phosphorus can be directly obtained by plants from soil. Phosphorus moves to root surface through diffusion but the presence of mycorrhizal fungi which develop a symbiotic relationship with roots will enhance the uptake of phosphorus especially in acidic soil with less phosphorus element. Our nutrient analysis on phosphorus content in soil sample showed 0.38 mg/L. From the beginning of planting our balsam until the end of it, we can see the growth rate of balsam plant in the soil is very slow and the plants are in small size without flower and seed production. Of course, it actually takes time for a plant to develop its reproductive structure, but the slow rate of plant maturity is undeniably as well. Our soil sample has more sand compared to clay soil as clay particles have larger surface area for phosphate sorption. Phosphorus normally abundant in soil pH 6.5 to 7.5 but at low pH, if the soils have great amount of aluminium, anion exchange capacity will result in strong bonds with phosphate. The presence of organic matters is also a vital source of phosphorus as they contribute in the formation of complexes with organic phosphate. Leaching and runoff of phosphorus in soil may largely due to natural erosion process that carry away the nutrient and also removal of crops.
Sulfur helps plants to resist diseases, form seeds and production of amino acid. It also plays a role in photosynthesis as a part of electron transport chain where hydrogen gradient is the key in conversion of light energy into ATP. Basically, plants obtain sulphur mostly from organic matters. As organic matters are decomposed or broken down, organic sulphur is mineralized into sulphate form which plants can easily uptake it. The sulphate-sulphur will then be taken up by plants roots. At the same time, there are also minerals that contain sulphur weathered underground which the sulphate-sulphur element is formed. Sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere, pesticides, fertilizers and water irrigation do contribute in formation of sulphur nutrient to plants. From the result of nutrient analysis, it is shown that our soil has excess of sulphur content which is 3.50! mg/L. However, the conflict is that our soil texture is more to sandy loam that contains more sand soil which means sulphur should leach easily. The only reason may because of the abundance of organic matters in our soil sample as they store a lot of sulphur within. Sulphur normally abundant in soil pH around 6.0 to 10.0 but it seems to be a lot in our soil sample so probably there is a polluted spot near our soil sample location. Accumulation of fertilizers and pesticides may be possible as our soil located just right beside the lakeside and downhill ground.
Lastly, plants do need large amount of macronutrient for growth but then excess of the nutrients may interfere with micronutrients availability which they only occupy a small space to fit it.
OVERALL CONCLUSION: Soil is a major nutrient source for plants, and the three main nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and sulfur (S). Nitrogen is important for plant growth, which can be found in all plant cells, proteins, hormones and even chlorophyll. Phosphorus is important for the transfer of energy from sunlight, stimulating early root and plant growth and also hastening maturity, whereas sulfur is important in disease resistance, seeds formation, production of amino acid and conversion of light energy into ATP.
The objectives of this experiment are to determine nutrient content, composition and soil constraints, to provide an inexpensive method of determining soil fertility, to estimate land of soil’s capability for various forms of agriculture and to provide guidelines as the type and amount of fertilizer to be applied for optimum plant growth for the particular soil type.
Based on the results obtained, the nitrogen concentration is 9.43 mg/L, which is deficient of nitrogen. This may be due to the type of soil which is sandy loam, where sand allows easy leaching of nutrients. Besides, the organic matter found in the soil contributes in denitrifying process, converting nitrates back into nitrogen. The deficient of nitrogen can be proved by the yellowish color of the leaves, and the plants do not grow strong nor have big leaves.
The concentration of phosphorus obtained is 0.38 mg/L. This can be one of the main cause for the slow maturity of the plants, and also no development of flower and seeds. The low concentration of phosphorus can be due to leaching and runoff of phosphorus due to natural erosion process.
Sulfur concentration of the soil is 3.50 mg/L, which is excessive. The excess of sulfur may be due to accumulation of pesticides and fertilizers, or because the soil is located near a pollution spot. It can also be due to the abundance of organic matter in the soil, which stores a lot of sulfur within.
JoVE Science Education Database
(2018), Environmental Science, Soil Nutrient
Analysis: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium,
Retrieved from
on May 1st, 2018
Samira A. Ben Mussa (September
2009), International Journal of PharmTech Research, Determination of Available Nitrate, Phosphate and Sulfate in Soil
Samples, Retrieved from,%20SAMIRA%20A%20BEN%20MUSA%20(598-604).pdf
on May 3rd, 2018
Johnny Johnston. 2011. Assessing Soil Fertility; Importance Of Soil Analysis And Its Interpretation. Retrieved from on May 8th, 2018.
Johnny Johnston. 2011. Assessing Soil Fertility; Importance Of Soil Analysis And Its Interpretation. Retrieved from on May 8th, 2018.

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