Fifth Lab Report : Kacang Tanah

SEMESTER 2 2017/2018

Date of Submission: 8th May 2018


TITLE : Soil Nutrients Analysis


1.0 Introduction
Soil fertility is an important factor as it determines the ability of soil to hold plant nutrients. For an example, the limiting factors to agricultural productivity in places such as South Africa is soil fertility. (Ramaru et al, 2000). Plants retain nutrients from atmosphere and soil. Nutrients that can be uptake by plants directly from atmosphere are hydrogen, carbon and oyxygen. However, most of the essential nutrients needed by plants are mostly taken from soil. Therefore, soil acts as the biggest reservoir of nutrients which needed by plants. The nutrients can be categorized onto primary macronutrients and secondary macronutrients, and also micronutrients, where the primary and secondary are related to the quantity needed by the plants and not their importance for plant growth because all nutrients are equally important for a healthy plant growth. primary macronutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium while secondary macronutrients are Calcium, Magnesium and Sulfur which are required relatively less than primary macronutrients. Micronutrients like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum and Chlorine and required by plants in far smaller quantities than any macronutrients.
         Soil fertility can be affected by several factors such as rainfall, soil biology and climate changes. Rainfall can affect the nutrients in soil where it would affect horizon development factors such as the translocation of dissolved ions through the soil (Maiha. S. 2006). Areas with sufficient rainfall will have greater weathering and also greater leeching of soil nutrients and organic matters while insufficient rainfall will cause drought in that area. These factors would probably resulting in the low fertility status of soil.
          Therefore, soil and leaf nutrients analysis are widely used as effective methods of diagnosing nutrients deficiency in fruit trees, the result of which are used to properly manage fertilizers applications (Shunfeng et al, 2018). It is an important to analyse the nutrients in soil before attempting to grow crops to ensure the essential nutrients in soil are present. This is because any deficiency of essential nutrients will most likely causing the growth in plant not going so well. The deficiency of specific nutrients in a plant will mostly exhibit its symptoms on leaves such as yellowish on the lower part of leaves.

2.0 Objectives
1. To identify the concentration of sulphate, nitrate and phosphate in FSSA lakeside soil.
2. To determine whether the concentration of following nutrients are on intermediate level for plant growth .

3.0 Apparatus and Materials
1. 20g of dried soil samples (FSSA lakeside soil)
2. Distilled water
3. 200ml of glass
4. 0.45µm membrane filter paper
5. Vacuum pump
6. Spatula
7. High density polyethene (HDPE) bottle

4.0 Procedures
1. Before weighting the air-dried soil sample, touch the soil with bare hands to ensure the soil is completely lost of moisture.
2. Take 20g of air-dried soil sample and put it in a beaker.
3. Add 50ml of distilled water together with the soil sample.
4. Use spatula to stir the sample solution for about 20 minutes.
5. After that, allow the mixture to stand undisturbed for at least 10 minutes (To allow the fine particulates in the soil to settle down). As the clarity of the solution varies, the clearer the better.
6. Then, filter the solution by placing the 0.45µm membrane filter paper on the top of vacuum pump. Filter solution which is clear liquid first to compare murky ones. Store the solution inside the HDPE bottles for macronutrient analysis by using the HACH kit.
7. Three types of nutrients are analysed by using the HACH kit.
8. Make sure wearing gloves all the time during the experiment.
9. Analyse the nutrients by using code (680 Sulphate), (490 P React. PV-Phosphorus) and (355N, Nitrate HR PP).
10. Take 3 readings for each type of nutrients and averaged it.
11. After the solution has been analysed, do not discharge the solution into the sink. Collect it in a beaker before discharge into a proper waste storage.

4.1 Procedures for (680 Sulphate)
2. Select the test of code (680 Sulphate).
3. Fill a square sample cell with 10ml of sample.
4. To prepare the sample, add the contents of one SulfaVer 4 Reagent Powder Pillow to the sample cell. Swirl vigorously to dissolve powder, white turbidity will form if sulfate is present.
5. Press the TIMER>OK and five minutes reaction period will begin. Do not disturb the cell during this period.
6. Fill a second square sample cell with 10ml of sample.
7. When the timer expires, insert the blank into the cell holder into the cell holder with the fill line facing right. Next, press ZERO and a display will show.
8. Within 5 minutes after the timer expires insert the prepared sample into the cell holder with the fill line facing right. 
9. Press READ and record the result.
10. Clean the sample cells with soap and brush.

4.2 Procedures for (490 P. React. PV-Phosphorus)
2. Select the test of code (490 P. React. PV-Phosphorus).
3. Fill a square sample cell with 10ml of sample.
4. To prepare the sample, add the contents of one PhosVer 3 phosphate Powder Pillow to the sample cell. Next, immediately time the stopper and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.
5. Press the TIMER>OK and two minutes reaction period will begin. If the sample was digested using the Acid Persulfate digestion, a 10 minutes reaction period is required.
6. Fill a second square sample cell with 10ml of sample.
7. When the timer expires, insert the blank into the cell holder into the cell holder with the fill line facing right. Next, press ZERO and a display will show.
8. Within 5 minutes after the timer expires insert the prepared sample into the cell holder with the fill line facing right. 
9. Press READ and record the result.
10. Clean the sample cells with soap and brush.

4.3 Procedures for (355N, Nitrate HR PP)
2. Select the test of code (355N, Nitrate HR PP)
3. Fill a square sample cell with 10ml of sample solution.
4. To prepare the sample, add the contents of one NitraVer 5 Nitrate Reagent Powder Pillow.
5. Press the TIMER>OK and one minute reaction period will begin. As the timer begins, shake the cell vigorously until the timer expires.
6. When the timer expires, press the TIMER>OK again. A five-minute reaction period will begin. An ember colour is formed if nitrate is present.
7. When the timer expires, fill a second square sample cell with 10ml of sample.
8. Wipe the blank and insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing right. Press ZERO and the result display will show.
9. Within one minute after the timer expires, wipe the prepared sample and insert it into the cell holder with the fill line facing right.
10. Press READ and record the result.
11. Clean the sample cells with soap and brush.

5.0 Results

Table 1: Result of FSSA lakeside soil nutrients analysis
Type of Soil
Type of Nutrients
First Reading (mg/L)
Second Reading (mg/L)
Third Reading (mg/L)
Average Reading (mg/L)
FSSA Lakeside soil
680 Sulphate
490 P React. PV Phosphorus
355 N, Nitrate HR PP

6.0 Discussion
        Table 1 shows the nitrate content was moderate in FSSA lakeside soil which recorded at 15.03mg/L. Nitrogen is a important for plants and animals. It is a fundamental block for all cells as it is responsible for making amino acids, proteins and even become part of our Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Besides that, it is also actively needed by plants to synthesize chrolophyll where plants used in photosynthesis to make their own foods. Without nitrogen, plants will not utilize sunlight as an energy source to carry on essential functions such as nutrients uptake. Besides that, nitrogen deficiency will cause the leaves become light green for the upper part while the lower part of leaves are yellowish, bottom or older leaves will become yellow as well and shrivelled. However, plants do not retain nitrogen directly from atmosphere and can only take from nitrogen which undergo  nitrogen fixation by the bacteria or plants to synthesize the nitrogen into the form of nitrate.
            Next, the phosphorus content of FSSA lakeside soil was very low which was only 0.41mg/L. Phosphorus is another type of macronutrient besides nitrogen. It is essential element in plants for photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transfer, cell division and plant growth. It helps to promote early root formation and vital for the formation of seeds. Phosphorus also able to help plants for developing a efficiency of water use and hasten maturity of a plant. The percentage of the tota amount of each nutrient taken up is higher for Phosphorus at the late phase during growth rather than potassium or nitrogen. Phosphorus deficiency will cause a plant has stunt growth where seed development and maturity of crops will be disturbed.
            The third nutrients we analysed from FSSA lakeside soil was sulphate which had the highest concentration (28.67mg/L). Sulphur also an essential nutrients that cannot lack of in plant growth. It promotes nodule formation on legume which later then used for atmospheric nitrogen fixation, aids in seed production and also necessary in synthesizing chrolophyll although it is not one of the constituents.

7.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, the concentration of sulphate, nitrate and phosphorus are tabulated in table 1. From the table, the concentration of sulphate is the highest among 3 type of macronutrients. In other words, the nutrients content of sulphate, phosphorus and nitrate in the FSSA lakeside soil are on intermediate level which is suitable for plant growth. 

1. Shunfeng GE, Zhanling ZHU, Ling PENG, Qian CHEN, Yuanmao JIANG. 2018. Soil Nutrients Status and Leaf Nutrients Diagnosis in the Main Apple Producing Regions in China. Horticulture Plant Journal.
3. Essays, UK. (November 2013). Factors Affecting Soil Fertility Environmental Sciences Essay. Retrieved from


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