Second Lab Report: JAGUNG PANDAN

Title: Soil pH, Moisture and Water Holding Capacity
Lecturer: Dr. Diana Demiyah Mohd Hamdan
Date of Submission: 3rd April 2018


Soil pH
1.0      Introduction
Depending upon the environment, there come out with a wide variety of soil types. Some soils have characteristics that make them different, meaning that they are able to grow crops well. One of the characteristics that determine a soil’s ability to grow crops include soil pH. Soil pH is the acidity and the alkalinity of a soil. In this case, soil pH affects the availability of nutrients to plants (Gregory Bugbee, 2000). A pH is a measurement of the concentration of the hydrogen ion and its range is from 0 to 14. The neutral of the pH is 7 while the below 7 is acidic and the above 7 is alkaline. Most plants prefer a soil that have pH from 6.5 to 7.5. For example, the soil that was tested in this lab experiment was mangrove soil, mountain soil, lake of Residential College E soil, FSSA soil and sandy soil.

2.0      Objective
The purpose of this lab experiment is to find the suitable soil that can planted the plant. The level of productivity of each soil type will be tested by planting jagung pandan seeds in each soil. Besides, this lab experiment was to investigate the acidity or alkalinity status of soil. Furthermore, we as student also need to know appreciate the natural characteristics of soil as well as provide an understanding of how to use the materials on finding the pH of soil.

3.0      Apparatus and materials
Five different type of soil
Filter paper
Glass rod
Test tube
Distilled water
pH paper booklet
pH meter
pH and moisture meter

4.0      Procedure
    1.    A few spoonful of five different soils were transferred into five different beakers. The solution mixed with deionised water was stirred.
    2.    The solution was filtered into a folded filter paper which place on a funnel sitting on a test tube.
     3.    The filtered solutions were test on soil pH test using three different method.
4.1      Using pH paper
     1.    A piece of pH paper was took from the booklet pH.
     2.    The pH paper was dipped into the filtered solution.
     3.    The wet pH paper was wait some time to dry off.
     4.    The colour changed was observed and compare with booklet pH.
     5.    The colour changed was recorded.
4.2      Using pH meter
    1.    The electrode of the pH meter was placed in the filtered solution. The “measure” or calibrate button was pressed to begin reading the pH.
    2.    The pH was allowed to stabilize before setting by letting it sit for approximately 1-2 minutes.
    3.    Once had a stable reading which the word of “ready” been show out, the result was recorded.
     4.    The electrode was rinsed with distilled water.
     5.    Procedure 1 until 4 were repeated by using another four different filtered solutions.
4.3      Using pH and moisture meter
     1.    The pH and moisture meter was inserted into the soil.
     2.    The reading of pH and moisture meter was taken as the reading been stable.
     3.    The procedures were repeated to get three readings on each of soils.
     4.    The average of the reading was calculated.
     5.    Procedure 1 until 4 were repeated with another four soils.

5.0      Result
5.1      pH paper
Table 1.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH paper
Filtered solution of soil
Results (pH)
Lake of Residential College E

Figure 1.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH paper 

5.2      pH meter
Table 2.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter

Filtered solution of soil
Results (pH)
Lake of Residential college E

Figure 2.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter (Mangrove)

Figure 3.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter (Sandy)

Figure 4.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter (Lake of Residential College E)

Figure 5.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter (Mountain)

Figure 6.0: The pH on filtered solution using pH meter (FSSA)

5.3      pH and moisture meter

Table 3.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter
Type of soil
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Average reading
Lake of Residential college E

Figure 7.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter (Mangrove)

Figure 7.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter (Mangrove)

Figure 9.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter (Lake of Residential College E)

Figure 10.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter (Mountain)

Figure 11.0: The pH on soil using pH and moisture meter (FSSA)

6.0      Discussion
          Based on the result from soil pH paper, mostly the soil is under pH 7 which can be determined that the Mangrove soil and Lake of Residential college E soil which have pH 5. According to Ross H. McKenzie, the research scientist on Soil Fertility and crop nutrition in Canada, this such value indicate that the soil is strongly acid which its table have been reveal as below.

Table 4.0:  Soil pH and Interpretation
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry,2003

           Besides, Sandy soil, Mountain soil and FSSA soil have the lesser value which oh pH 4. Low pH soils (<6.0) results in an increase in Aluminium. Aluminium is the toxic to plant and this may cause the plant to die due to toxicity. However, FSSA soil and the sandy soil have the greater growth of Jagung Pandan than others. According to Royal Horticultural Society, United Kingdom, in this such condition most plant nutrients, particularly calcium, potassium, magnesium and copper, become more soluble under very acid conditions and are easily washed away. Most phosphates are locked up and unavailable to plants below pH 5.1, although some acid tolerant plants can utilise aluminium phosphate. Acid sandy soils are often deficient in trace elements. Thus, from here we may conclude that sometime the pH paper may not very suitable to determine the pH of soil due to the surrounding factors such as the pH paper may contact with the other materials before using it.
          Therefore, pH meter and pH and moisture meter had been used. According to the pH meter and pH and moisture meter, the most greener and taller plant indicates the values of 6.23 and 5.7 respectively which been recorded by Lake of Residential college E soil show that plants are increasing in height from day to day. This is because in general the optimal pH value is between 5.5-7.5 while an ideal is 6.5-7.5 which 6.23 is nearly an ideal pH soil while 5.7 is in the general optimal pH value. According to Royal Horticultural Society, United Kingdom, moderately acid soil which is pH 6.1-7.0 is the best general purpose pH for gardens, allowing a wide range of plants to grow, except lime-hating plants. The availability of major nutrients is at its highest and bacterial as well as earthworm activity is optimum at this pH. 
          However, Mangrove soil do not support any growth of plants as a prove of pH of 5.08 and 5.0 using pH meter and pH and moisture meter respectively. This is because, generally mangrove soils were higher in clay, organic matter, cation exchange capacity, aluminium, sulphate, iron and exchangeable bases than the non-mangrove soil. On the basis of exchangeable sodium percentage and electrical conductivity the mangrove soils were classified as saline sodic (G.Naidoo,F.Raiman,1982).
          Using pH meter and pH and moisture meter, sandy soil recorded pH of 5.42 and 6.9 respectively which is in the optimal pH value between 5.5-7.5 allow the plant to grow but not fertile as the plant in Lake of Residential college E soil. Although easy to cultivate and work, sandy soils dry out quickly and are low in nutrients. When gardening on sandy soil it is important to select plants that will be happy in dry and infertile soils (G.Naidoo,F.Raiman,1982).

7.0      Conclusion
          In conclusion, soil pH does play a role in nutrient availability. We should be concerned on our crop and just be more aware than concerned. This is because, recent years have shown the pH decline occurring more rapidly in continuously cropped, direct-seeded land. On the other hand, seepage of alkaline salts can raise the pH above the optimum range. So, a soil with an optimum pH today may be too acid or alkaline a decade from now, depending on producer land management.

8.0      References
Plaster, E. J. 1996. Soil Science and Management. 3rd ed. Albany: Delmar Publishers
Soil: Understanding PH and Testing Soil, The Royal Horticultural Society, 2018, viewed 24 March 2018.
South African Journal of Botany, Some physical and chemical properties of mangrove soils at Sipingo and Mgeni, Natal, G.Naidoo and F.Raiman,1982, viewed 24 March 2018.
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Soil PH Experiment, Gregory Bugbee and Michael Cavadini,1875, viewed 24 March 2018.

Soil Moisture

1.0 Introduction

Soil moisture is difficult to define because it means different things in disciplines. For example, a farmer’s concept of soil moisture is different from that of a water resource manager or a weather forecaster. Generally, soil moisture is the water that is held in the spaces between soil particles. Surface soil moisture is the water that is in upper 10 cm of soil, whereas root zone soil moisture is the water that available to plants, which is generally considered to be in upper 200 cm of soil.

Compared to other component of the hydrologic cycle, the volume of soil moisture is small, nonetheless it is fundamental to many hydrological, biological and biochemical processes. Soil moisture information is valuable to a wide range of government agencies and private companies. This is because they are concerned with weather and climate, runoff potential, flood control, soil erosion, slope failure, reservoir management, geotechnical engineering and water quality. Soil moisture is a key variable in controlling the exchange of water and heat energy between the land surface and the atmosphere through evaporation and plant transpiration. As a result, soil moisture plays an important role in the development of weather pattern and the production of precipitation. Simulations with numerical weather prediction models have shown improved characterizations of surface of oil moisture, vegetation and temperature can lead to significant forecast improvements. Soil moisture also strongly affect the amount of precipitation that runs off into nearby streams and rivers. Soil moisture information can be used for reservoir management, early warning of droughts, irrigation scheduling and crop yield forecasting.

Soil water holding capacity is a term that all farms should know to optimize crop production. Simply defined soil water holding capacity, is the amount of the water that given soil can hold for the crop use. One of the main function of soil is to plant between rainfalls or irrigations. Evaporation from the soil surface, transpiration by plants and deep perlocation combine to reduce soil moisture status between water applications. If the water content becomes too low, plants stresses. The available plant moisture storage capacity of a soil provides a buffer which determines a plant’s capacity to withstand dry spells. The amount of soil water available to plants is governed by depth of soil that roots can explore and the nature of the soil material because the total and available moisture storage capacities are linked to porosity, particles sizes and the arrangement of particle. Organic matter, carbonate levels and stone content also affect moisture storage. Poor structure, low organic matter, low carbonate content and presence of stones reduce the moisture storage capacity of a given texture class.

2.0 Objective

The objective of this experiment is to determine soil moisture that is suitable for jagung pandan and to determine water holding capacity for each soil so that we know the capability of water which is suitable for jagung pandan.
3.0 Apparatus and Material

Electric balance
Petri Dish
Filter paper
Measure pH and moisture tool

4.0 Procedure

Soil Moisture

  1. The soil moisture of jagung pandan is checked by using portable soil moisture tool before the plant was watered.
  2. The soil was inserted in the oven only if the soil was not completely dried, using the previous method which was to heat up till 80 degree Celcius for an hour.
  3. When the soil was completely dried, the soil was weighed. The readings were recorded.
Soil Water Holding Capacity
  1. 5 filter papers are took and placed them at the bottom of the 5 tin cans.
  2. The tins along with the filter papers were weighed.
  3. The same volume from each type of soils were took and transferred them into the tins cans.
  4. The soil was pressed gently as compact as possible until a uniform layer on top.
  5. Tin cans together with the soil were weighed and recorded.
  6. By using the cut to support the tin to float in contact with water, water was poured into the can.
  7. The soil was left undisturbed until the soil become moist or wet.
  8. After the soil became moist, the dripping water was wiped from the bottom of tin cans before they were weighed. 

5.0 Result

Soil Moisture

Table 1.0: Result of Soil Moisture
Mountain Soil
Figure 1.0 shows the result of moisture (2)
Sandy Soil
Figure 2.0 shows the result of moisture (1.5)
Mangrove Soil
Figure 3.0 shows the result of moisture (3)
Figure 4.0 shows the result of moisture (4)
Lake of Residential College E Soil

Figure 5.0 shows the result of moisture (3.5)

Table 1.0: Weight of Air-dried Soil
Type of Soil
(Before Air-dried)   Weight of Soil/g
(After Air-dried)    Weight of Soil/g
Lake of Residential College E

Table 2.0: Percentage of Soil Moisture
Type of Soil
(Before Air-dried)  
Weight of Soil/g
(After Air-dried)    Weight of Soil/g
Percentage of Soil Structure (%)
Lake of Residential College E

By using this formula:

Water Holding Capacity

Table 3.0: Result of Water Holding Capacity
Soil Sample
Weight of tin+ filter paper, g
Weight of tin+ Filter paper+ Soil sample (B), g
Weight of tin+ Filter paper+ wet soil (D), g
Weight of Dry soil B-A=C, g
Weight of wet soil D-A=E, g
Mass of water absorbed by Soil E-C=N, g
Percentage of Water Holding Capacity, %
Mountain Soil
Sandy Soil
Mangrove Soil
Lake of Residential College E Soil
We calculate the percentage of water capacity by using this formula:

N= Mass of Water Absorbed by Soil  
E= Weight of Wet Soil

Figure 6.0: Set up Apparatus of Water Holding Capacity

6.0 Discussion

Soil Moisture
Soil moisture measurement in agricultural sector settings provide important information through early warning. The upper 200 centimetres of soils is classified as the “root zone soil moisture” and important from describing the water that is available to plants. When drought occurs, there is a deficit amount of moisture in the root zone and consequently crop productivity diminishes. Having continuous soil moisture and irrigation planning. Soil moisture measurement also important for predicting floods. By assessing how wet the soil is before a rainstorm, we can predict the potential for flooding to occur.
Our group used pH moisture meter to observe the moisture of each soil. We have five types of soil which is mountain soil, sandy soil, mangrove soil, FSSA soil and lake of Residential College E soil. The mountain soil recorded soil moisture is 2 while sandy soil recorded 1.5 soil moisture. While the soil moisture of mangrove soil and lake of Residential College E soil is recorded 3 and 3.5 respectively. The soil moisture of FSSA soil is recorded as 4. Based on our observation, the most suitable moisture soil for jagung pandan is lake of Residential College E because it is not too dry or too moist for jagung pandan.
Other test for soil moisture is air-dried. First test, we dried it as naturally way which is put it outside at an open place for a week. Each soil we take 100g sample. After 1 week the soil showed decrease weight as the water inside the soil is lose or evaporated. But we forget to put in oven to make sure that soil totally dried. So the result is not really accurate but this can be used.
The percentage of soil moisture showed that mangrove recorded the highest of percentage soil moisture which is 32.3%. Mangrove is the most moisture and not suitable for growth the jagung pandan. After that mountain soil is recorded as the second highest 19.5% and it still not suitable for the jagung pandan. FSSA soil and lake of Residential College E soil is suitable for the growth of jagung pandan based on our observation it growth very well on FSSA soil and lake of Residential College E soil which is the percentage moisture is 13.7% and 13.3% respectively whereas sandy soil is recorded the lowest percentage of moisture which is 3.0% this type of soil can give a growth of jagung pandan very well but not good as lake of Residential College E soil and FSSA soil.

Water Holding Capacity
Soils that hold generous amount of water less subject to leaching losses of nutrient or soil applied pesticides. This is true because a soil with a limited water holding capacity reaches the saturation point much sooner than a soil with a high water holding capacity. After soil is saturated with water, all the excess water and some of the nutrient and pesticides that are in the soil solution are leached downward in the soil profile. Soil water holding capacity is controlled primarily by texture soil and the soil organic matter content.
The highest water holding capacity that we get from this experiment, is mangrove soil which is 28.1. Mangrove soil is recorded the highest percentage of water holding capacity, because mangrove soil is are that surrounded by fresh water, so that why the percentage of water holding is the highest.
Lake of Residential College E soil recorded the second highest percentage of water holding capacity. This is because Kg E’s soil is take near to the lake. This type of soil is good for vegetation because this soil is peat soil that usually farmer use for agriculture. This because, the more darker soil of soil their many nutrients for vegetation.
Mountain soil and FSSA soil have almost have a same the percentage water holding capacity, this type of soil is similar. But from our observation toward the vegetation that we plant by used soil is suitable that mountain soil. Sandy soil recorded the lowest percentage water holding capacity. This is because the soil porosity. Air space to organism decomposing organic matter. Pore spaces also allow the movement of water and storage of water and dissolve nutrient. Sandy soil have 2.0mm and are gritty to touch. Since all plant need oxygen for respiration. They have a specific plant that can planted in sandy plant. The suitable soil that maize can be planted is lake of Residential College E soil. Because it peat soil so it very suitable for maize. Because peat soil content lot of nutrients that come from decomposing dead organism.

7.0 Conclusion

Soil water content as we usually refer to either moisture retention between wilting point and field capacity or between any other two soil moisture constant. Different type of soil will show different soil moisture. However, water holding capacity is worked beyond field capacity. How much of soil can hold moisture without loss of moisture is due to gravitational pulls. Soil water holding capacity is the soil moisture content that will remain in soil after water drained off in the large pores. The gravitational water is held in large soil pores and rapidly drains out under the action of gravity. Capillary water is held in large soil pores and rapidly drains out under the action of gravity within a day or after raining. Plants can only make use of gravitational water for a few days after rain.

8.0 References

AgVerra.16.10.2010.2.4.2018.5 different of soil-know your soil type.
Dr .James E.Arnold.30.12.1999.2.4.2018.Soil moisture,
Jai Gosh,2018,2.4.2018,what is the diffrence between soil water content and water holding capacity,


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