Third Lab Report: JAGUNG PANDAN

Title: Soil Permeability and Salinity
Date of Submission: 10th April 2018


Soil Permeability

1.0        Introduction

Soil is permeable material because of the presence of interconnected voids that permit the flow of fluids from location of high energy to locations of low energy. Proper measurement of soil permeability is required for calculating the seepage under hydraulic structures and water quantities during dewatering activities. Soil permeability is affected by several factor including voids ratio, distribution of inter-granular pores and degree of saturation.
The discussion here in is limited to evaluating the coefficient of permeability of saturated soils. Permeability is another intrinsic property of all material and is closely related to porosity. Permeability refers to how connected pore spaces are to one another. If the material  has high permeability than pore spaces are connected to one another allowing water to flow from one to another, however if there is low permeability then the pore spaces are isolated and water is trapped within them. For example, in a gravel all of the pores well connected one another allowing water to flow through it however, in clay most of the pore spaces are blocked meaning water cannot flow through it easily.
Permeability is one of the important physical properties of soil as some of the major problems of soil. Hence to become a good soil engineer the knowledge of permeable if it contains continuous voids. Since such voids are contained in all soils including the stiffest clay, all these are permeable. Gravels are highly permeable and stiff clay is the least permeable soil. The importance of permeability is seepage through earthen dams and canals.

2.0     Objective

Purpose for this task is to determine a good permeability of soil toward jagung pandan and the suitable porosity and permeability toward growth of jagung pandan.
3.0    Apparatus and Materials

1.       Graduated Cylinders
2.       Funnels
3.       Test Tubes/ Glass Beaker
4.       Test Tube Rack
5.       Filter Papers
6.       Soil Samples
7.       Time watch

4.0     Procedure

1)       The test tube was placed in the test tube rack and prepared funnel on top of test tube or placed the glass beaker under the funnel.
2)       The filter papers were folded and inserted into the funnels to separate the soils. This is to prevent soil from doping into the test tube/glass beaker together with water.
3)       The same amount of five air-dried soil samples were prepared for each setup. The soil was compacted gently.
4)       The same amount of water (100ml) was prepared to gently pour in each funnel at the same time.
5)       The water was slowly poured to all the soil sample at the same time and the stopwatch was set for an hour.
6)       If the funnel was full of water, waited and added balance water after water was not overflowing in the funnel to finish 100ml of water.
7)       After an hour, the water volume was measured in the test tube or glass beaker.

5.0     Results
Table 1.0: Volume Reading After Filtrate for an Hour
Type of Soil
Initial Volume of Solution (ml)
Final Volume of Solution After An Hour (ml)
Lake of Residential College E

Figure 1.0: The test tubes holding the volume of water from each type of soil after an hour

6.0     Discussion

Permeability refers to the movement of air and water through the soil, which is important because it affects the supply of root-zone air, moisture, and nutrients available for plant uptake. A soil's permeability is determined by the relative rate of moisture and air movement through the most restrictive layer within the upper 40 inches of the effective root zone. Water and air rapidly permeate coarse soils with granular subsoils, which tend to be loose when moist and don't restrict water or air movement. Slow permeability is characteristic of a moderately fine subsoil with angular to sub-angular blocky structure. It is firm when moist and hard when dry.
Soil texture, soil porosity, degree of saturation and void ratio greatly influence water infiltration, permeability, and water-holding capacity. Soil texture refers to the composition of the soil in terms of the proportion of small, medium, and large particles (clay, silt, and sand, respectively) in a specific soil mass. For example, a coarse soil is a sand or loamy sand, a medium soil is a loam, silt loam, or silt, and a fine soil is a sandy clay, silty clay, or clay.
Soil porosity refers to the space between soil particles, which consists of various amounts of water and air. Porosity depends on both soil texture and structure. For example, a fine soil has smaller but more numerous pores than a coarse soil. A coarse soil has bigger particles than a fine soil, but it has less porosity, or overall pore space. Water can be held tighter in small pores than in large ones, so fine soils can hold more water than coarse soils. 
Based on the result , mangrove soil is the most permeable soil followed by sandy soil, soil from the hills , soil from the lake of Residential College E lastly soil from Faculty of Science and Natural Resources . Although mangrove soil is rich in organic matter, jagung pandan is not growing in the soil due to high water permeability. This is because the plants do not have water to be consumed from the soil.

Table 2.0: Variation of Permeability According to Soil Texture
Clayey soils
From very slow to very rapid
Loamy soils
Moderately fine
Moderately coarse
Sandy soils

7.0     Conclusion

In conclusion, although there are a few number of factors affecting soil permeability, it is much affected by soil texture and also soil porosity. It can be concluded that mangrove soil is the most permeable soil followed by sandy soil, soil from the mountain, soil from lake of Residential College E and the last one is soil from Faculty of Science and Natural Resources. 

8.0     Reference

Soil Salinity


Salinity is one of the most pitiless environmental factors limiting the productivity of crop plants because most of the crop plants are sensitive to salinity caused by high concentrations of salts in the soil, and the area of land affected by it is increasing day by day (S. Pooja and K. Rajesh, 2015). In definition, soil salinity is the amount of salt content in the soil in which the process of increasing the salt content is known as salinization. Normally, salts occur within soils and water. Soil salinity limits plant growth due to the presence of soluble salts in soils which keep water more tightly than the plants can extract it. As a result, many plants will exhibit symptoms of dryness, but the soil is often relatively moist (Singh et al., 1979). Salinity can develop naturally or be human-induced. Naturally-occurring salinity results from the long term continuous discharge of saline groundwater. Human-induced salinity is the result of human activities that have changed the local water movement patterns of an area. Soils that were previously non-saline have become saline due changes in saline groundwater discharge.
Furthermore, excess salts also will keep the saline soils in a flocculated state so that these soils commonly have good physical properties. The structure is generally good and cultivation characteristics and permeability to water are even better than those of non-saline soils. In planted soil condition, saline soils can be recognized by the spotty growth of crops and often by the presence of white salt crusts on the surface. For example, the soil that was tested in this lab experiment was mangroves soil, mountain soil, Lake of Residential College E soil, FSSA soil and sandy soil through some of the processes.


The purpose of this lab experiment is to find the suitable soil that can planted the plant due some soil high in salts. Thus, the level of productivity of each soil will be tested by planting jagung pandan seeds. Besides, this lab experiment was to investigate the salinity status of soil. Furthermore, we as student also need to know appreciate the natural characteristics of soil as well as provide an understanding of how to use the apparatus on finding the salinity of soil.


Test tube, test tube rack, conical flask, spatula, glass rod, filter funnel, distilled water, air dried soil samples, 2mm mesh size sieve, 200ml glass beaker, vacuum pump, laboratory flask, graduated cylinder, size 42 Whatman filter paper, bottle container, electric conductivity meter, electronic weightage balance

4.0      PROCEDURE

1.  Air dried mangrove soil that has less than 2mm size is prepared.
2. The 2mm mesh size sieve is used manually.
3. Foreign materials are excluded.
4. The air dried mangrove soil with 100 gram is mixed with distilled water by using glass beaker and spatula.
5. A saturated paste for the air dried mangrove soil with 100 gram is made.
6. The saturated paste is poured into the vacuum pump set up by using spatula.
7. The vacuum pump is switched on.
8. The water in saturated paste is filtered by using vacuum pump.
9. The filtrate is poured and kept in a bottle container.
10. The probe is rinsed by distilled water.
11. The electric conductivity is measured by using electric conductivity meter.
12. The result is recorded.
13. Step 1 to 12 is repeated by using air dried mountain soil, air dried FSSA soil, air dried sandy soil and air dried lake of residential college E soil.
14. Step 1 to 3 is repeated.
15. The air dried mangrove soil with 25 gram is mixed with distilled water with the water ratio 1:1, 1:2 and 1:5.
16. The mixture is swirled by using conical flask for at least 10 minutes.
17. The size 42 Whatman filter paper is put on the funnel before the saturated paste is put.
18. The water filtrated is then poured into the bottle container.
19. The probe is rinsed by distilled water.
20. The electric conductivity is measured by using electric conductivity meter.
21. The result is recorded.
22. Step 14 to 21 is repeated by using another four types of air dried soil samples.

5.0      RESULT

Table 1.0: Electric Conductivity for Different Types of Soil with Different Water Ratio
Type of Soil
Water Ratio
Electric Conductivity (µS)
Lake of Residential College E

Figure 1.0: Set up Filtration of Mangrove Soil

Figure 2.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mangrove with Ratio 1:1)
Figure 3.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mangrove with Ratio 1:2)
Figure 4.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mangrove with Ratio 1:5)

Figure 5.0: Set up Filtration of Mountain Soil

Figure 6.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mountain with Ratio 1:1)

Figure 7.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mountain with Ratio 1:2)

Figure 8.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Mountain with Ratio 1:5)

Figure 9.0: Set up Filtration of Sandy Soil

Figure 10.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Sandy with Ratio 1:1)

Figure 11.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Sandy with Ratio 1:2)

Figure 12.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Sandy with Ratio 1:5)

Figure 13.0: Set up Filtration of Lake of Residential College E Soil

Figure 14.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Lake of Residential College E with Ratio 1:1)

Figure 15.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Lake of Residential College E with Ratio 1:2)

Figure 16.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (Lake of Residential College E with Ratio 1:5)

Figure 17.0: Set up Filtration of FSSA Soil

Figure 18.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (FSSA with Ratio 1:1)

Figure 19.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (FSSA with Ratio 1:2)

Figure 20.0: The Electric Conductivity on Filtered Solution (FSSA with Ratio 1:5)

Figure 21.0: Vacuum Pump for Mangrove Soil

Figure 22.0: Vacuum Pump for Sandy Soil


Table 1.0 shows the result of electric conductivity (EC) for different type of soils with different types of water ratio. The water ratio had been differently divided into three ratio which had been show above. From the result, it is noticed that the electrical conductivity of the soil filtrate solution is decreasing from ratio water of 1:1 to 1:2 and to 1:5. This is because salts will often be present in the saturation-extract that would not be under actual field conditions which mean by the ratio water of 1:2 and 1:5 (Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 2016).
Additionally, salts contained within the fine pores of aggregates which by the mean of the water ratio of 1:1 that is saturated enough will contribute to the EC value which is normally higher than water ratio of 1:2 and 1:5 because it able to trap more ions, nevertheless it is hesitant that significant amounts of such salts are absorbed by soils.
Besides, the type of soil also influences the conductivity of electric that may be measured. In this case, EC increases as the soil increases with clay and organic matter content and cation exchange capacity increase. In the result above, it is show that mountain soil has the higher content of clay and organic matter as the value of 107.3µS is the highest among the water ratio of 1:1. Thus, it is evident that soil texture, organic matter content, and correlated soil properties, will influence EC and in the absence of salinity, can be expected to be capable of being determined from sensor measurements of EC. So, long as the soils contain enough water to provide a continuous pathway for electrical current flow. However, the mangrove soil recorded the lowest value which only with 17.29µS. This is because our experimental results support the prediction that conductivity decreases if soil are perfused with saps of extreme salinities either deionized or highly saline solutions which only with a little amount of water,1:1,1:2 or 1:5 due to the natural salty characteristic of the soil (L. Jorge,2005).
In the water ratio 1:2 and 1:5, Lake of Residential College E soil is the highest recorded of electric conductivity but not in water ratio 1:1. This is because the lake mostly with rock composition which limestone leads to higher EC because of the dissolution of carbonate minerals in the soil as it dissolved more in less concentrated water which is ratio 1:2 and 1:5 but not in 1:1 as the presence of water is too little and limited (Michaud, J.P. 1991).


Every soil has its suitability that can planted the plant due some salts in every soil. The higher the water ratio, the electrical conductivity of the soil filtrate solution is decreasing. The mountain soil has the best choice for planting jagung pandan seeds due its characteristics which are silt loam are fine textured and the soil salinity is high. In short, the greater the salt content, the greater the electric conductivity.

8.0      REFERENCE

Agricultural Water ManagementEffects of different amendments for the reclamation of coastal saline soil on soil nutrient dynamics and electrical conductivity responses, Z.Tao, 2015,, viewed on 4 April 2018.
Agricultural Water ManagementSalt tolerance classification of crops according to soil salinity and to water stress day indexN.Katerjia ,J.Wvan HoornbA.Hamdyc and M.Mastrorillid,2000,
Viewed 2 April 2018.
Electrical Conductivity Measuring Salts in Water, Michaud, J.P. 1991,, viewed on 4 July 2018.
Method and Interpretation of Electric Conductivity Measurement, J.D. Rhoades,1999,, viewed on 4 July 2018.
Saline soils and their management, viewed 2 April 2018.

Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Soil Salinity: A Serious Environmental Issue and Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria as One of The Tools For Its Alleviation, S. Pooja and K. Rajesh, 2015, viewed 2 April 2018.


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