Second Lab Report: Pandan Maize Companion

Second Lab Report: Pandan Maize Companion

 Lecturer: Madam Diana Demiyah Binti Mohd Hamdan
Date of Submission: 3rd April 2018
Report Contents: 1. Soil Moisture Analysis
      2. Soil pH Analysis
      3. Soil Water Holding Capacity Analysis


Soil moisture is the water present in the space between the soil particles that influences the physical, chemical and biological characteristic of the soil. Soil moisture shows the general moisture content of the soil. It is the major component of the soil in relation for the plant growth. Soil water will dissolves salt and make up the soil solution, which is important as medium for supply of a nutrient to growing plants. Soil moisture is a key variable in land-atmosphere interactions: the variations of soil moisture in response to atmospheric conditions which include precipitation, radiation and evaporation demand impact surface turbulent and radiate heat fluxes, thereby potentially feeding back on atmospheric conditions (Alexis Berg, et al., 2014).  Therefore, it is clearly shown that a slightly change in environment factors such as rain precipitation and temperature can affect the soil moisture directly.

To determine the soil moisture
To learn the factor that affect soil moisture
To understand the concept of soil moisture

  • Portable soil moisture tool
  • Oven
  • Plastic hexagonal dish
  • Electronic weighing balance
  • Air dry FSSA ground soil

Method A: Using Electronic Weighing Balance
  1. The soil moisture of the soil sample that were air dry on the previous lab week was checked.
  2. The soil sample was put in the oven and was heated up to 80 degrees for about an hour to completely dry the soil.
  3. The soil sample was then weight using the electronic weighing balance after the soil sample had completely dried out.

Method B: Using Portable Soil Moisture Tool
  1. Before watering the plant, the soil moisture of the plant soil was checked using the portable soil moisture tool.
  2. The results of the soil moisture of every plant soil were recorded.

A) Using electronic weighing balance
Table 1: Shows the soil moisture content in FSSA ground soil.
Soil Sample
Initial weight before air dry (g)
Final weight after air dry
Final weight after heating (g)

Moisture content (g)

Moisture content (%)
Lake Ground Soil

B) Using portable soil moisture tool
Table 2: The soil moisture reading of FSSA ground soil in different pots.
Pot (Type of plants)
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Average Moisture
Pot A
(Pandan Maize)
Pot B
(Pandan + Tadong Peanut Seed)
Pot C
(Pandan + Cotton Seed)
Pot D
(Pandan + Butterfly Pea Seed)
Pot E
(Pandan + Swiss Chard)

Based on table 1, the soil moisture content is 0.016%. The soil texture that we used is loam taken from the lakeside of FSSA. This soil texture has intermediate texture between clays and sandy soils. The presence of clay and silt in this texture allows it to bind to water molecules due to its large surface area exposed for water binding and also the fine particle sizes of silt and clay makes it easy for this soil texture to trap and retain water.
In this experiment, we only used one type of soil to differentiate the moisture content of the soil in five pots. Based on table 2, it shows the soil moisture in each of the pot with different type of plants is different and the average range for all pot is between 6.0 and 8.0. This shows the soil exhibits a balanced texture. Loam soil is known for easily to retain water as well as its moist. Loam soil is known for being able to easily retain water, as well as for its moist and gritty texture. Some soils naturally have a loamy texture, while others require some amendment in order to have loamy traits. Since we only used one type of soil, our plants can adapt and grow well as it is suitable as medium of growing plant. There are also a few reading shows the soil was wet when we do the measurement. Wet soil show all the pore spaces full with water. There are slightly difference in the reading of soil moisture due to the constant exposure to rainfall and also watering.

In conclusion, different soil texture with different soil mineral composition results in different ability to hold water. As we can conclude, loam soils are able to hold water and it give benefits especially for plants as medium for growth. In this experiment, soil pH, soil water holding capacity and soil moisture are important characteristics to be understood in order to give better soil management. Environmental conditions must also be considered when watering plants—factors such as light, temperature, humidity, plant health, soil type, etc. will impact how much and how often a particular plant needs to be watered. In general, plants in higher temperatures and higher light will require more frequent watering than plants in lower light and lower temperatures. All of these factors need to be considered when watering plants—making watering interior plants a science. Hands-on practice is also a key to watering plants successfully.


Figure 1: The moisture tester sensor show the soil moisture is 7.6

Figure 2: The sensor shows the soil moisture is over wet.

1.Devashish Kar. 2016. Epizootic Ulcerative Fish Disease Syndrome. Retrieved from (2/4/18)

Soil pH is a measurement that indicates the alkalinity or acidity of soil. It is calculated by finding the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil, and ranges from 0 to 14. The lower a soil’s pH the more acidic it is, and the higher the pH, the more alkaline the soil is. Soil with a pH of 7 is considered neutral. Soil pH is an important measurement because the acidity or alkalinity of soil determines how easily plants can absorb nutrients from it.

To determine the pH of soil.

  •   Spatula
  •  Glass rod
  •  Filter paper
  • Filter funnel
  • pH paper
  • Beaker
  • pH meter
  • Soil
  • Test tube
  • Deionized water

Method A: Using portable soil pH meter
1. Before watering the plant, the soil pH for every pots of the plants were checked using the portable soil pH meter.
2. The results of soil pH for every pots were recorded in a table.

Method B: Using pH paper
1. A few spoonful of soil was transferred into a beaker and mixed the soil with deionized water then stirred it.
2. The solution was filtered into a folded filter paper placed on a funnel sitting on a test tube.
3. A pH paper was used to test the pH of each filtered soil solution.
4. The pH paper was dipped into the solution and was left for it to dry.
5. The colour was noted and compared to the colour chart indicator paper. Photo of the result was taken.

Method C: Using pH meter
1. Before watering the plant, the soil pH for every pots of the plants were checked using the portable soil pH meter.
2. The results of soil pH for every pots were recorded in a table.

A) Using portable soil pH meter
Table 1 shows the pH readings of FSSA ground soil in different pots that are planted with different seeds.
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
A (Pandan Maize only)
B (Pandan Maize + Tadong Peanut seed)
C (Pandan Maize + Cotton seed)
D (Pandan Maize + Butterfly Pea seed
E (Pandan Maize + Swiss Chard seed)

B) Using pH paper
The results of soil pH paper shows that the FSSA ground soil solution is pH 5.
 Figure 1: The pH paper shows the soil solution is pH 5.

C) Using pH meter
Type of solution
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
FSSA ground soil solution

Soil pH is the measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil. The pH of soil will determine the solubility in the soil that will also affect the availability of plant nutrients and plant growth. The optimum soil pH for most plants is between 5.5 and 7.0.
Pandan maize can be grown under a wide range of soil pH, but the optimum pH range is from 5.0 to 7.0. Peanuts grows well in a soil pH between 6.0 and 6.8. A soil pH between 5.8 and 8.0 is needed for good cotton growth, with a more optimum range of 6.0 to 6.5. Butterfly pea and Swiss chard best grown in a soil pH from 6.6 to 7.5 and 6.0 to 6.8 respectively. However, Butterfly pea can still grows in weakly acidic soil and well adapted to alkaline soils. 
From the results of using portable soil pH meter, we can see that different pots have different soil pH although the type of soil used in every pots are the same type. The lowest pH value we can get from the result is 4.9 which is the soil pH of pot planted with Pandan Maize and Tadong peanut seeds. Most of the soil in the pots shows quite low values and are acidic for plant growth after tested using portable pH meter. The results by using pH paper and pH meter in lab also have shown that the FSSA soil solution is acidic where its pH ranging between 5 and 5.4. Acidic soil are low in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium which are essential for plant growth but high in aluminum which is toxic to the plant.
This have shown that FSSA plant soil are not the best soil for plant growth since some of the seeds are not germinate yet or have slower germination rate compared to other plants. From our daily observation, Pandan maize are the first to germinate, have the fastest germination rate and growth rate, since the soil pH are still in the Pandan maize plants pH range. This followed by the Butterfly pea which germinate after Pandan Maize. However, the soil is not suitable for Tadong peanuts, Swiss chard and cotton seeds and have affected the germination of the seeds. This is because the soil pH is acidic for the seedlings to germinate especially cotton is among the most sensitive crops to low pH soils.

In conclusion, soil pH is one of the important factor that can highly influence the germination and growth of plants in soil. We are able to determine the pH of soil by using portable pH meter, pH paper and pH meter in lab. Based on the results, the soil pH of FSSA ground soil is acidic and have the pH range between 5.0 and 5.5. Only Pandan Maize and Butterfly Pea plants are adapted to the acidity of the soil and germinate. Therefore, we need to consider the optimum soil pH that are suitable for different plant growth before planting seeds to ensure healthy plant growth.



Figure 1: The pH meter shows the soil solution is pH 5.36.

Figure 2: The test of soil pH was conducted using portable pH meter.



Soils are a lot like sponges in the way they hold and release water through a range of saturation. The ability of a soil to hold water is called as soil water holding capacity.  It is considered as a useful information for irrigation scheduling, crop selection, groundwater contamination considerations, estimating runoff and determining when plants will become stressed. Water holding capacity varies by soil texture. The amount of pore space and relative quantity and variety of pore sizes affect the soil’s water holding capacity. Water holding capacity also affected by the amount of organic matter. Increased levels of organic matter and associated soil fauna lead to greater pore space with the immediate result that water infiltrates more readily and can be held in the soil (Roth, 1985). The improved pore space is a consequence of the bioturbating activities of earthworms and other macro-organisms and channels left in the soil by decayed plant roots. Organic matter contributes to the stability of soil aggregates and pores through the bonding or adhesion properties of organic materials, such as bacterial waste products, organic gels, fungal hyphae and worm secretions and casts. Moreover, organic matter intimately mixed with mineral soil materials has a considerable influence in increasing water holding capacity. Especially in the topsoil, where the organic matter content is greater, more water can be stored.

1. To learn the field method in determining the soil’s water holding capacity.
2. To determine the water holding capacity of the soil sample.

1. Electronic weighing balance
2. Filter paper
3. Tin
4. Soil sample
5. Plastic container
6. Water
7. Plastic rod


1.      Holes are made at the bottom of the tin box.
2.      A filter paper is placed at the bottom of the tin box.
3.      The tin along with the filter paper is weight.
4.      Some soil is taken and transferred into the tin box.
5.      The soil is pressed gently as compact as possible until a uniform layer on top.
6.      The tin box with soil is weighed and its weight is noted.
7.      Water is poured into a weight plastic container and two small plastic rod is used to support the tin float in contact in water.
8.      The tin box is leave undisturbed until water surface on top of the soil and soil is moist.
9.      The tin is lifted and dripping water from the tin box bottom is wiped before measure the weight.


Soil sample
(FSSA ground soil)
Weight of tin + filter paper
Weight of tin + filter paper + soil sample
Weight of tin + filter paper + wet soil
Weight of dry soil B-A=C
Weight of wet soil D-A=E
Mass of water absorbed by soil E-C=N
% of water holding capacity

  We can calculated the percentage of water capacity by using this formula:
  N/E X 100
  N=mass water absorb by soil
  E=weight of wet soil


Soil water holding capacity is the amount of water that a given soil can hold for crop use. The water holding capacity of grow medium is controlled by the texture, composition and amount of organic matter content it contains.
Soil water holding capacity is controlled primarily by the soil texture and the soil organic matter content. Besides, soil texture is a reflection of the particle size distribution of a soil. An example is a silt loam soil that has 30% sand, 60% silt and 10% clay sized particles. Generally, the higher the percentage of silt and clay sized particles, the higher the water holding capacity. The small particles (clay and silt) have a much large surface area than the larger sand particles. This large surface area allows the soil to hold a greater quantity. The water holding capacity also influences by the amount of organic matter in a soil. As the level of organic matter increases in a soil, the water holding capacity also increases. This is due to the affinity of organic matter for water.
A soil with a higher water holding capacity will remain to wet and eventually rot off the roots, while a soil that is too dry unable to supply enough nutrients to the plant. The clay soil has the highest water holding capacity while the sand soil has the least (clay>silt>sand). Clay soil are so tiny and have many small pore space that make sure the water move slow which it have the highest water holding capacity. Sandy soil have a good drainage but low water and nutrient holding capacities. In addition, organic matter provides nutrients and habitat to organisms living in the soil which bind soil particles into aggregates and improves the water holding capacity of the soil. Mostly, soil content 2-10 percent organic matter. Organic matter is very important even in small amounts.
Based on the observation, there were one type of soil sample that have been taken for analysis which are soil from FSSA ground soil. FSSA ground soil sample recorded percentage 27.87% and 29.57% of water holding capacity. The soil are categorized as loam. As loam soil are the best type of soil absorbs the most water. A combination of sand, silt and particles, this soil absorbs water readily and is able to store it for use by plants. Soil is a valuable resource that supports plant, life and water. It is an essential component in water holding capacity.

In conclusion, the characteristic of soil most important in determining water holding capacity is permeability because permeability determines how quickly water and air flow through a material. As the permeability of a soil is high, the water quickly flows through the soil and it has a low water holding capacity. Whereas if the soil has low permeability that it has a high water holding capacity because the water does not move quickly. This experiment shows the process of soil sampling and identification. Furthermore, understanding how to use soil sample to identify the types of soil in a given area is important in knowing what types of soils is suitable to be used in agriculture and architecture.

1. Jessica Sheppard and Fran Hoyle. Water Availability. Retrived on 30 Mac 2018

2. Christina Curell. (2011). Why is soil water holding capacity important. Retrived on 30 Mac 2018

3. M.A. Naeth, A.W. Bailey, D.S. Chanasyk, AND DJ. Pluth. Water holding capacity of litter and soil organic matter in mixed prairie and fescue grassland ecosystems of Alberta.  Retrived on 30 Mac 2018

4. B. Minasny and A.B McBratney. (2017). Limited effect of organic matter on soil available water capacity. European Journal of Soil Science. Retrived on 30 Mac 2018


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